Go to Conservative Pathways
Conservative Pathways
Redrawing the conservative map, one article at a time
Note from the editor

Redrawing the conservative map, one article at a time

Go to the profile of Avi Woolf
Avi Woolf
3rd class Elder of Zion and Chief Editor of Conservative Pathways. Stay awhile and learn something.
Go to the profile of Zane Hill
Zane Hill
Reporter covering San Marino, Calif.; copy editing for Conservative Pathways; retired Uber driver; UL Lafayette alum; Kent, Ohio, native; politically homeless
Go to the profile of Avi Woolf
Avi Woolf
3rd class Elder of Zion and Chief Editor of Conservative Pathways. Stay awhile and learn something.
Go to the profile of T. Greg Doucette
T. Greg Doucette
Ex-computer scientist, now criminal defense attorney & host of @fsckemall. Dog lover. #NeverTrump conservative. Proud alum of #NCCU #lawschool and #NCState.
Go to the profile of Jenna Pruett
Jenna Pruett
Politicallly confusing. Scientist. Lover of GIFs.
Go to the profile of Paul D. Miller
Paul D. Miller
Professor, Georgetown University. Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council. Research Fellow, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Go to the profile of Rev. John M Price
Rev. John M Price
Conservative, Patriot, SURVIVOR of Child Sex Abuse / Trade. Help me Help others. Comments are mine alone. #Thor2016
Go to the profile of Neal Silvester
Go to the profile of Jack Harrison
Go to the profile of Jason L Bauman
Jason L Bauman
Avid Reader, Coffee Drinker, and Technology Enthusiast. Life’s too short for Decaf or apathy.
Go to the profile of Dan Scotto
Dan Scotto
New Jerseyan in Oregon, Catholic, conservative, Mets fan, still anti-Trump. Fits into numerous stereotypes based on previous sentence.
Go to the profile of Sarah Quinlan
Sarah Quinlan
Conservative • Feminist • “Because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart”
Go to the profile of Garrett Smith
Garrett Smith
Bibliophile. Theist. Conservative. Fan of the Oxford Comma. #NeverTrump for as long as it takes.
Go to the profile of Alecia Pawloski
Alecia Pawloski
Lover of books, wine and dogs; in no particular order. Advocate for abused men and women. Aspiring writer.
Go to the profile of Joe Laughon
Joe Laughon
Freelance writer. Editor at The Hipster Conservative. Layman in the Anglican Church. My aesthetic is Downton Abbey but in Spanish. https://musingsontheright.com
Go to the profile of Tim Skellett
Tim Skellett
Interests: travel, science journalism, reading, gardening, photography, trees, nature, politics, religion, atheism, humanism, etc.
Go to the profile of slmgoldberg
Mother, wife, writer & intellectual. A cross between Amanda King & Camille Paglia with strong Dudeist influences. Total pop culture Anglophile.
Go to the profile of Tzvi Kilov
Tzvi Kilov
trained as a rabbi, working as a writer
Go to the profile of Dennis Sanders
Dennis Sanders
Middle-aged Midwesterner. I write about religion, politics and culture. Podcast: churchandmain.org newsletter: https://churchandmain.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Will Truman
Will Truman
Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. Also seen on Arc Digital.
Go to the profile of Josh Hood
Josh Hood
Christian, Grad student, disgruntled NCSU alum, Leicester City FC supporter, Reformicon, Anglophile, 100% ENFP, NeverTrump to the bitter end
Go to the profile of noghiri
IT worker, Twitter user, voted most likely to become a mad scientist in high school, cat. Everything is a pile of experiments, it’s a wonder any of this works.