March just destroyed my Reads: Did this happen to you?

I’ve never seen something like this before.

Martin Kessler
Consistency Matters


Art by Malkas.

Something strange has been going on since Feb ended.

And I can’t explain it.

I averaged over 100 reads daily in the last week of February, but suddenly on the first of March, my reads plummeted to less than 20 reads per day.

February | March

This is crazy to see.

How could my writing go from:

60.5% Read Ratio → 36.8% Read Ratio

In a mere day???

I of course had to find out, so I looked at my top-performing posts of March to shed some light on the problem.

My Top Performing Posts in March.

Two of these posts are pinned to my profile and are giving me a few pennies every day, which is nice.

If you’re wondering the two posts are:

“I’m gonna earn $10,000 on Medium in 2024: Here’s how”

