Go to Constellating Change: exploring patterns of organising
Constellating Change: exploring patterns of organising
We’re here to inquire into how we might unearth and live into patterns of organising that embody the future we aspire to contribute to. This is a shared space, so if you’ve written something up around the intersections of governance/collaboration/systems change, give us a shout!
Note from the editor

We’re here to inquire into how we might unearth and live into patterns of organising that embody the future we aspire to contribute to. This is a shared space, so if you’ve written something up around the intersections of governance/collaboration/systems change, give us a shout!

Go to the profile of Sean Andrew
Go to the profile of Louise Armstrong
Louise Armstrong
#livingchange / navigating / designing / facilitating / doula of change
Go to the profile of School of System Change
School of System Change
Learning to lead change in a complex world. We enable personal & collective agency to cultivate change with a multi-method approach to systems change learning.
Go to the profile of Anna Birney
Anna Birney
Cultivating #systemschange | Leading School of System Change | Passion #inquiry #livingsystems #livingchange
Go to the profile of Louise Armstrong
Louise Armstrong
#livingchange / navigating / designing / facilitating / doula of change
Go to the profile of Anna Birney
Anna Birney
Cultivating #systemschange | Leading School of System Change | Passion #inquiry #livingsystems #livingchange
Go to the profile of Sean Andrew
Go to the profile of School of System Change
School of System Change
Learning to lead change in a complex world. We enable personal & collective agency to cultivate change with a multi-method approach to systems change learning.