Slow Living

A Snail’s Pace

Contemplations on a slower life

Words by Egypt


Life can be an endless toil of things to do, places to go and success to be had. Most of it holds little meaning in the grand scheme of things

We struggle and strive to look important and successful in the eyes of others

At the same time, our eyes are blinded to the wonders of life

We work hard to acquire possessions and accolades to elevate our standing

While these things possess us and we stand on shaky emotional grounds

Sometimes we have to stop and ponder what is the point of all this empty work?

Are we just alive to stamp our existence with our importance and fame, or could there be something more to our soul path?

Something more meaningful, something more beautiful?

Are we here to rush through life, keeping busy as bees, noticing no one and nothing deeply?

Or might it be better to move at a snail’s pace? Savouring the vistas of life and connecting deeper with ourselves?

Just a thought

Poet’s commentary: I’m Egypt, a poet and writer. I write at the intersection of poetry, words, and thoughts. This poem is inspired by my continued quest to slow down and strip my life down to the essentials. I’m striving to escape being an overworked, under-rested, and overwhelmed woman. I continue to dream of a slower and more beautiful existence. Do you dream of a slow and simple life too? What does a slow life look like for you? Do share by leaving a comment.

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Words by Egypt

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.