Problem Solving

My Boss Speaks to Dead People

She’s the biggest problem solver I know

Author Kristine Benevento
Published in
12 min readApr 7, 2021


Photo by Author

Sitting at my desk I opened up my work email. I read, “My father passed suddenly. I never got to say good-bye. Can I have the next available consultation with Rosemary?”

I went on to the next one:

“Would Rosemary consider being on my podcast?”

“Could she speak to my group?”

“Please send healing to my mother-in-law who suffered a stroke last night.”

“Would Rosemary consider teaching a writing class?”

“I need some direction, I’m feeling a bit stuck.”

“I have two special needs children and I need help.”

“Are there any tickets left for her webinar?”

“When is the next book coming out?”

“How do I write comments during her live weekly shows?”

“Can you tell me where I can get the healing meditation CD?”

“I need Rosemary to help me with finances… a failing marriage…a child support deserter.”

“They say it was a suicide but I don’t believe them.”

You name the life situation and I am sure Rosemary has dealt with it — after all, she’s…

