
That Last Fight Wasn’t About Them

We are looking for what makes us comfortable

Author Kristine Benevento
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2021


Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash

“Why are you eating that?” I asked.

“What do you mean? You bought it.”

A seemingly simple question evolved from there.

There was commentary which was really a judgment on my part that the thing he chose to eat wasn’t appropriate.

He took it as criticism.

Women — if you are not familiar with Tony Robbins, begin googling him now. Tony Robbins tells us the three patterns he recognizes in all troubled relationships with men, “The Three C’s,” are something you will find invaluable in your relationship. Using any one of them is like waving a red matador flag before your beloved.

If he feels Criticized. If we become Closed, or he feels Controlled, there is going to be a problem.

Men — likewise, learn the three “U’s.” If she feels Unseen, Not Understood, or Unsafe, you are going to feel her backlash or she is going to become closed-exactly the opposite of what you want.

Back to my story. I realized quickly that he felt criticized — Kryptonite for a man.

I stopped. Then I went inside my heart and my head and began to ask myself questions as to why…

