9 Pro Tips to Quickly Reach 10,000 Followers on Twitter

Write a Writing
Content Creation and Story Telling
6 min readNov 11, 2020
Expert Tips, Audience Outreach, Twitter Marketing
9 Tips to Reach 10,000 Followers on Twitter

Twitter is the top of the list of social media platforms when it comes to declaring the best social media marketing platforms. It has over 321 million active users a month which makes it the best social media platform for businesses and marketers to profit from.

But the main question that arises is how can you get some of the users from the 321 million active ones to engage with your content and post? In today’s article, we’ll be sharing 9 pro tips that you can use to gain 10,000 followers on Twitter.

1. Optimize Your Profile

Profile Optimization, Twitter, Brand Awareness
Optimizing the Profile

To earn money from Twitter, you would be needing a profile. Your Twitter profile is not just any profile, therefore create your profile in a way that it tweets money. Your profile must reflect the brand you are. So set your brand or business logo as the display picture with a matching cover photo. Your username and Twitter handle must include either your business or brand’s name.

Add a brief description of your brand or business and make sure the description in the bio is an engaging one. Most importantly, don’t forget to tag your business website and blog in your profile description. Hence, focus on creating a complete Twitter profile so that your followers can get to know about your brand easily and can foster relationships based on trust & loyalty.

2. Follow Relevant Profiles

Twitter Following, Relevant Profiles, Marketing & Outreach
Following Relevant Profiles

Without engagement, you can’t monetize from your Twitter profile. To make your Twitter profile a stable source of income, you need to engage with other Twitter profiles that are relevant to your niche and industry.

For increasing the followers organically, the best and simplest way is by being active on your Twitter profile 24/7, 365 days a year. Also, interact and engage with other relevant Twitter profiles. Furthermore, share content relevant to your niche and industry. Always remember to use the hashtags in your tweets, retweets and comments as they tend to broaden a profile’s reach.

Other than that you can also embed your business Twitter profile on your business website and attach your Twitter handle in your email signature as well. Even more, you can simply link your Twitter profile to the rest of your social media platforms’ profile to promote it and gain more followers in the process.

3. Tweet on a Regular Basis

Regular Tweets, Lead Generation, Enhanced Engagement
Tweet on a Regular Basis

Just as you can’t achieve your fitness goals by working out once in a month, similarly tweeting irregularly from your profile won’t get you the engagement that you are aiming for.

Hence, to generate traffic and engagement on your profile, you need to be consistent with your tweets. Also, when you will be tweeting more you would get more opportunity to explore and experiment with the hashtags, images as well as the content. Furthermore, you would also get an idea about what sort of content resonates with your followers. You can even set a frequency goal and then increase the number of posts with the passage of time until you start achieving your goal on a daily basis.

4. Post at the Right Times

Twitter Posting, Trends & Following, Post Scheduling
Posting at the Right Times

Whenever you post or schedule a post on Twitter make sure you post it at peak time. Peak time is that time when a greater number of Twitter users are active.

Within a country or a region that has the same time zones, the daily routine followed by the people is almost similar as they wake up, sleep and work at almost similar times. Then according to this logic, it’s probable that you can pull out the Twitter trends and determine the peak time accordingly, i.e. when the majority of the users are active in your region or country.

Other than that, the best time to post on Twitter is 9 AM on any day in a week. This is because at 9 people are getting to start their work or day and before that, they scroll Twitter to get the updates & know about the latest happenings of the day. On the opposite, 10 AM and 4 PM are the worst hours to post on any day in a week because these are the hours when people are busy at the workplace, school or running random errands and therefore fewer users are active on Twitter.

5. Retweet and Comment on Top Tweets

Retweets & Comments, Top Tweets, Follow ups
Retweeting & Commenting on Top Tweets

To increase your followers and engagement, it’s important that along with tweeting your own content and tweets, you are retweeting and commenting on other users’ tweets. When you retweet somebody else’s tweet you aren’t just liking their content and tweet but also validating it enough to share it with your audience.

Moreover, when you retweet, remember to tweet with a @mention. Because when you @mention a Twitter handle, the owner of the handle is notified about your tweet. This way your tweet outreach becomes extended as your retweet is read by yours as well as followers of whom you have mentioned.

Also at times when you @mention or retweet other bloggers or influencers they actually appreciate it and would like to know more about people who follow or retweet them.

6. Take Advantage of Twitter Threads

Twitter Threads, Advantage, Tweetstorm
Taking Advantage of Twitter Trends

In 2017, Twitter introduced ‘Threads’ as a means to bend their character limit and allow its users to easily share long forms of content in bits & pieces. Twitter threads are simple tweets that can either be read in a sequence or separately.

Threads in the language of Twitter users is known as ‘Tweetstorm’. They are the best way of inciting excitement amongst your followers and enhancing engagement by sharing your side of the story behind your products or updates.

7. Link Your Twitter Account Everywhere

Backlinking, Twitter Profile, SEO Tactics
Linking the Twitter Account Everywhere

As a part of your SEO tactics, link your Twitter account everywhere so that people can know you are on Twitter and can eventually follow you.

Hence, never miss any opportunity you get to link your Twitter handle on your website, YouTube Channel, podcasts, Instagram, Facebook and all the other social media platforms as well as communication channels. This way you can procure followers and interests outside of Twitter.

8. Make Use of Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics, Engagement, Insights
Making Use of Twitter Analytics

Keep a track of your Twitter engagement by using Twitter Analytics. Twitter Analytics can provide you a lot of analytical insight into the data with which you can create and implement strategies for further improving your Twitter engagement. It can be located in the ‘more’ section of the menu that is on the left-hand side of the page.

Over the years Twitter Analytics has improved a lot and has now made it very easy for the users to view & analyze their engagement rate. Also, your ‘Top Tweets’ shows the number of impressions each tweet has along with its overall engagement.

9. Post Visual Content

Visual Content, Twitter Posting, Attractive & Engaging Content
Posting Visual Content

Last but not the least, visual content i.e. images and videos are the best way for growth hacking on social media and brings a huge amount of engagement to your profile.

No doubt Twitter is a text-centric platform, but including images, photos and videos relevant to your tweet would make your tweets more attractive and engaging!



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Content Creation and Story Telling

Master the art of storytelling via content creation for digital spaces