21 Content Distribution Tools Pros Use (#11 Got 3K Clicks In 14 Days)

Chris Von Wilpert
Content Mavericks
Published in
9 min readAug 1, 2019

Originally published on Content Mavericks blog.

Bonus Material: Content Distribution Checklist

Did you know there are tools you can use to get more traffic to your content?

In this post I’m going to show you exactly what they are, and how to use them.

I’ve sorted the tools into six categories:



🏛Social Amplification | 💰Free

ClickToTweet gives you an easy way to create shareable tweets that you can embed on your site. You can also copy the link to the tweet and share it via email, social media, or anywhere else you’d like.

Here is one I created to embed in my content distribution strategy article:

Price: Free — $499/year.
Official Website:


🏛Social Amplification | 💰Free

Tweriod gives you a free report showing the peak times your Twitter followers are online. You connect Tweriod to your Twitter account, and the next day you’ll get a link to your report.

The free analysis will analyze up to 1000 of your followers. My analysis (pictured below) shows that 3pm on weekdays is the best time for me to tweet.

Price: Free — $15/month.
Official Website:


🏛Social Amplification | 💰Paid

SocialBee recycles your best content on social media. You add content into a category, then tell SocialBee what time to post it out each week. You can connect your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Instagram accounts.

Cool Feature: For $49/month SocialBee will pair you up with one of their Twitter Growth Specialists. They will manually follow a few hundred relevant Twitter accounts, give them three to seven days to follow you back, then unfollow the ones that don’t bring any value.

Price: 14 day free trial. $19-$187/month.
Official Website:


🏛Social Amplification | 💰Paid

PostBeyond turns your employees into your content distribution team. You list all your content (blogs, webinars, videos, podcasts) in one central library, write up a social message, then send a notification via email or Slack for your employees to share it.

Cool Feature: A company leaderboard ranks your employees social influence against one another so you can turn sharing your content into a game.

Price: Need to request a demo.
Official Website:


🏛Social Amplification | 💰Paid

InstaGrowth is a way to grow your Instagram following organically. You provide InstaGrowth with a list of hashtags and usernames of accounts you want to target. One of their growth specialists will then complete tasks like liking, commenting, following, unfollowing, and direct messaging people in your niche.

Price: 4 day free trial. $59-$259/month.
Official Website:



🏛Influencer Amplification | 💰Paid, New

Hey is like a dating app for brands and influencers. You can choose to offer influencers $$$, product or experiences in exchange for social media love.

The tool is invite only so Hey is able to:

  1. Vet every influencer for the quality of their content, reach, engagement and relevance.
  2. Vet every brand is running a legitimate business.

Cool Feature: In addition to being able to search for influencers by location, reach, and niche, Hey’s mutual match feature will let you know which influencers want to work with you before you start chatting — and vice versa.

Price: 14 day free trial. $95/month + 10% of influencer fees for paid campaigns.
Official Website:



🏛Organic Amplification | 💰Paid

Discourse is an open source forum software you can use to grow your own community. People can vote up their favorite ideas, and mark solutions as the official answer.

Communities take time and effort to build, but once you build it you can use it as a free traffic channel. Announce when you’ve got a new piece of content, and create discussion around it.

Price: 14 day free trial. $100-$300/month.
Official Website:


🏛Organic Amplification | 💰Paid, New

ContentKing is a real-time SEO auditing tool that monitors your website 24/7. You can find out if things like page titles go missing, H1 headings are not unique, or links on your content become broken before search engines and visitors realize.

Cool Feature: You can use ContentKing Segments to segment all your highest traffic pages, then prioritize optimizations on them first.

Price: 14 day free trial. $19-$319/month.
Official Website:


🏛Organic Amplification | 💰Free, New

WebsiteVoice turns your articles into high quality audio for your audience to listen to. You copy and paste one line of script to your website, then customize the text-to-speech button to match your style. It supports multiple languages like Spanish, German, French, and Japanese.

Cool Feature: WebsiteVoice uses AI and machine learning to constantly improve their voice algorithms so your text-to-speech sounds realistic vs robotic.

Price: Free.
Official Website:


🏛Organic Amplification | 💰Free, Paid, New

StoryChief is content marketing software with tools to make organic distribution of your content faster and easier. After a piece of content is complete, you can hit publish and have it distributed to all these places at once:

  1. Your website
  2. Content hubs like Medium and Blogger
  3. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  4. Referral lists like Ambassadors, Press, and Influencers
  5. Email lists you own

Price: Free — $99/month.
Official Website:


🏛Organic Amplification | 💰Paid

Sigstr turns every email into a content marketing campaign. It does it by sharing your company’s most important marketing content automatically via the employee email signature. If people in your company send a lot of email, this can drive a lot of clicks.

Below is an example of a Sigstr campaign promoting a blog post for a staffing agency that got 3,000 clicks in two weeks:

Price: Need to request a demo.
Official Website:


🏛Organic Amplification | 💰Paid

Goodbits makes it easy to build great email newsletters in minutes. You can use the Goobits browser extension to save articles as you browse the web, then send email campaigns based on what you’ve saved.

If you struggle to stay in regular contact with your email list, Goodbits is a great way to round up a group of themed content from your own site (or others) and send it to your list.

Price: $19-$99/month.
Official Website:



🏛Outreach | 💰Paid

Bond is the easiest way to send personalized, handwritten notes to distribute your content. This can be a great way to get key pieces of content in front of your Dream 100 clients (a strategy I used for making $100k from one blog post).

Price: $2.75 — $5 per note.
Official Website:

3D Mail Results

🏛Outreach | 💰Paid

3D Mail Results have products like bank bags, trash cans, pill bottles, treasure chests, silver platters and more to make sure direct mail you send gets read.
Hardly anyone distributes their content with bulky mail. This is your opportunity to stand out and target your content to key decision makers.

Price: $0.19 — $5.56 per piece.
Official Website:


🏛Outreach | 💰Paid

Disk can integrate with your email marketing tool or shopping cart of choice. It will then print and package content to get delivered to your leads and customers.

Imagine being able to offer a lead magnet on your site where the information gets delivered to your leads door. With Disk, that is a reality so none of your content goes unnoticed.

Price: Need to request a quote.
Official Website:


🏛Outreach | 💰Paid

Mailshake is the simplest tool for cold email outreach. For my $100,000 blog post I used Mailshake to send cold emails to my Dream 100 (see example pictured below).

Cool Feature: You can request a manual review of your email campaign, and a Mailshake email outreach expert will give you feedback via video walkthrough.

Price: $29-$49/month.
Official Website:



🏛Tracking | 💰Paid

SimpleReach gives you an easy way to provide clear evidence of content ROI. It tracks your content (articles, videos, anything) across multiple sites, social channels, and publishers so you can see what distribution platforms and channels are working best.

Cool Feature: SimpleReach predictive score can predict which content is going to perform well before it takes off. Based on the score you can double down on paid ads to your highest ROI pieces of content and track performance in real time.

Price: Need to request a demo.
Official Website:


Keywords Everywhere

🏛Competitive Intel | 💰Free

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension that shows search volume, CPC and competition data directly underneath the Google search bar. It’s super helpful for seeing at a quick glance if people are searching for content on that topic.

It also shows this data on over 15 other sites like YouTube, Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. This can save time switching between your keyword tool and Google Keyword Planner.

Price: Free.
Official Website:

Keyword Keg

🏛Competitive Intel | 💰Paid

Keyword Keg can help you find 5000+ easy to rank keywords with high monthly search volume in just seconds. You can use it to help fill your content calendar with content that has the potential to compound your organic traffic over time.

Cool Feature: Below each keyword, Keyword Keg uses icons to show specific SERP features like snippets, video listings, and product listings. At a glance you can pick keywords with less SERP features and more organic search results on the SERP.

Price: $32-$144/month.
Official Website:


🏛Competitive Intel | 💰Paid

SEMrush is a tool for finding competitor keywords, backlinks, ad copy, and much more.

Cool Feature: In the Organic Research section of SEMrush you can enter the URL of a top ranked piece of content on Google.

You can then look at the TRAFFIC metric to see how much traffic that one piece of content gets each month. Way more accurate than looking at Google search volume data!

Price: 7 day free trial. $99.95-$399.95/month.
Official Website:


🏛Competitive Intel | 💰Free, Paid

Adbeat shows your direct competitors most profitable content ads so you can replicate their strategies. You can see competitor display ads, native ads, direct buys, pre-roll video ads, landing pages and the exact placements where the ads run on publisher sites.

Cool Feature: See your competitors ad spend down to the dollar for every ad, landing page, and ad network. Use the data to profitably scale your content on a new ad network.

Price: Free — $399/month.
Official Website:

What Tools Should You Use To Promote Your Content?

As you know, learning new tools can take time.

So here’s what I want you to do:

  1. Pick one tool you’ve never used before.
  2. Try promoting your content with it for ONE month.
  3. If it works, keep using it. If not, come back here and try another one.

To keep yourself accountable, download my content distribution checklist and add one item you’re going to try (with your new tool) to the checklist.

Download My Content Distribution Checklist

Then let me know in the comments below right now:

What’s the one tool you’re going to try?

Chris “Polishing My Tools” Von Wilpert

ABC. Always be clappin’.



Chris Von Wilpert
Content Mavericks

Sumo Copy Chief. Teaching people how one blog post can beat 100s of fluff pieces at ContentMavericks.com