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Continuous Delivery
Continuous Delivery
Tidbits about Continuous Delivery
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Interview with Vamsee

This week I am interviewing Vamsee Kanakala — who is a good friend of mine and a popular personality in both Ruby and DevOps communities, especially in India.

Q: A quick introduction about yourself i.e. your experience as Dev, Ops and then as a DevOps evangelist


Optimizing for developer happiness — by Chad Dickenson was one of the talks that had a lot of influence on me when starting with Continuous Delivery. It talks about how “easier to ship” brings both happiness to the team and in-turn steady flow of value to the customers.

Learn to balance

Joshua Kerievsky, in his talk about Modern Agile, refers to how he taught his daughter to cycle. Cycling is not about pedalling. Instead, it is about balance. Watch the below video [for few minutes] on how Eva — Josh’s daughter — learned cycling.