Go to Controversial Opinions
Controversial Opinions
There’s takes and hot takes. And when that’s not enough, come here.
Note from the editor

There’s takes and hot takes. And when that’s not enough, come here.

Go to the profile of Patrick Keefe
Patrick Keefe
Professional Internet Scientist. Past times include injecting chaos into social situations and observing the results. Always wearing my lab coat.
Go to the profile of Bob Sherron
Bob Sherron
I make websites for fun and profit at @hlkagency. Also writing a newsletter for fun and no profit at @periodicallyco.
Go to the profile of Patrick Keefe
Patrick Keefe
Professional Internet Scientist. Past times include injecting chaos into social situations and observing the results. Always wearing my lab coat.
Go to the profile of Bob Sherron
Bob Sherron
I make websites for fun and profit at @hlkagency. Also writing a newsletter for fun and no profit at @periodicallyco.