Week 59: Celebrating Sweetness

A sweet story about a sweet dessert on Easter…

Aaron Charles
Cooking With Sarah
3 min readApr 29, 2017


Each Sunday, my wife and I cook and eat a meal together — intentionally. Every Friday, I’ll be sharing our experience here in this space. I want to see the growth that will come in our marriage because of this. I hope you enjoy our story. You can find last week’s post here.

The sun was shining down as I walked with my brother-in-law in his backyard. We were hiding Easter eggs for my niece and nephew. A few minutes later, they ran outside with smiles on their faces as they found each egg. The excitement on their faces as they found them all was absolutely priceless. I love memories like that.

Easter weekend was full of sweet moments. You may have experienced something similar. So, it’s fitting that our cooking adventure involved a whole lot of sweetness!

I like berries. They taste sweet, but you still kind of feel like you’re eating something healthy. Maybe that’s just my mischievous inner self talking, but I digress. For Easter, we decided to make Quadruple Berry Dump Cake. Yeah, that’s a lot of berries!

Family Memories

There’s something about holidays. Having extra time to make special memories. This Easter was no different. We spent time with Sarah’s family and made lasting memories.

Sarah’s mom and sister-in-law made the dinner, so we made the dessert! We brought our crockpot over to Matt and Andrea’s to prepare the dump cake. We put it together, then it cooked while we were playing with our niece and nephew.

Easter egg hunts. Sun shining. Smiling kids. The smell of dinner cooking.

Not a bad Sunday.


We made the dump cake in our crockpot, and let me just get this out of the way right now — I love crockpots. I love simmering. I love that the food cooks while you live life. No checking or flipping or tinkering.

We came inside for dinner, and the dump cake was ready. A couple scoops with a dollop of whipped cream and…voila!

And let me tell you, that first bite had a whole lot of sweetness! The blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries all mixed together for a tasty dessert. I felt stuffed afterwards!

As full as my stomach was, my heart was even more so. My dad joined us, and seeing him reading with the kids was really special. Doing the Easter egg hunt under the sun was something I won’t soon forget. And looking at Sarah with my eyes popping out of my head at the first taste of our sweet dessert was pretty special too!


The weekend we made this dessert was Easter weekend. As I write this, we’re about to begin a weekend of celebrating Sarah’s graduation with her master’s degree. It all reminds me of an important lesson.

Celebrate successes.

Take time to reflect and revisit important moments. Let them linger. Savor that tasty dessert. You work hard and you’re worth so much. Take time to celebrate the successes in life.

And stop to experience the sweetness.

Thanks for reading. You rock! Wishing you the best as you celebrate successes and share special moments with those you love.

Don’t forget to follow Cooking With Sarah on Instagram!



Aaron Charles
Cooking With Sarah

Christ-follower. Husband to @SarahLCharles. Simple moments hold great power. Connect with me at my website: www.aarondcharles.com