Go to Cool Tools
Cool Tools
A Collection of Possibilities
Note from the editor

A Collection of Possibilities

Go to the profile of Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly
Senior Maverick at Wired, Cool Tools maven, author of What Technology Wants, True Films, and 1,000 True Fans
Go to the profile of Craig Mod
Craig Mod
Probably walking on a mountain … http://craigmod.com
Go to the profile of Claudia Dawson
Claudia Dawson
Part of the @Cool_Tools team / Producer of @Recomendo6 / Editor of http://cool-tools.org/wimb / Editor of PhantomKangaroo.com / claudiadawson.blog
Go to the profile of Mark Frauenfelder
Mark Frauenfelder
Research director at Institute for the Future. Co-founder, Boing Boing, editor-in-chief of Cool Tools. Read my newsletter, themagnet.substack.com