Go to Cool Wave Stories
Cool Wave Stories
Lakes, rivers and the ocean are great playgrounds that teach us about life, adventure and the power of the mind. In Cool Wave Stories, you’ll find tips and stories to live an active, fullfilled and happy life. We’ll cover stand-up-paddleboarding, swimming and kayaking.
Note from the editor

Lakes, rivers and the ocean are great playgrounds that teach us about life, adventure and the power of the mind. In Cool Wave Stories, you’ll find tips and stories to live an active, fullfilled and happy life. We’ll cover stand-up-paddleboarding, swimming and kayaking.

Go to the profile of Siri Schubert
Siri Schubert
Writer, athlete, coach, filmmaker. Fascinated by the natural world, human performance + the power of the mind. Published in Scientific American Mind, NYTimes.