Go to Copyright Untangled
Copyright Untangled
On education & copyright reform
Note from the editor

On education & copyright reform

Go to the profile of Lisette Kalshoven
Lisette Kalshoven
Working on digital transparency and openness in government. Works for Open State Foundation, supports Creative Commons NL.
Go to the profile of Adam Karpiński
Adam Karpiński
lawyer (TMT / IP), lovin’ video games
Go to the profile of Alek Tarkowski
Alek Tarkowski
co-director, Open Future. Dealing with all things open and common, with a policy focus.
Go to the profile of Natalia Mileszyk
Natalia Mileszyk
@nmileszyk, lawyer, public policy expert at Centrum Cyfrowe and Communia Association, CEU alumni, member of Creative Commons, traveler and photographer
Go to the profile of Katarzyna Strycharz
Katarzyna Strycharz
lawyer, public policy expert working on copyright reform at Centrum Cyfrowe, Creative Commons Poland and COMMUNIA
Go to the profile of Paul Keller
Paul Keller
EU digital policy. I work on more open © laws and help to open up data & collections. Depending on the task, I can shape-shift between being a systems architect
Go to the profile of Marcel Oosterwijk
Go to the profile of Judith Blijden
Judith Blijden
Copyright advisor Kennisland & COMMUNIA
Go to the profile of Timothy Vollmer
Timothy Vollmer
Scholarly Communication + Copyright at UC Berkeley Library. Formerly policy work at @creativecommons and @communia_eu. I also bake bread and ride bikes.
Go to the profile of Teresa Nobre
Teresa Nobre
lawyer. working on copyright reform at Creative Commons Portugal and COMMUNIA.
Go to the profile of Olga Jurkowska