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Cornell Tech
Cornell Tech
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3 Insights from my first 3 days in Israel

As part of the MBA curriculum at Cornell Tech, our whole class will be spending two and half weeks in Israel to consult Israeli startups and to understand how Israel has achieved the reputation as the startup nation.

Why Israel is a land of entrepreneurs ?

I am currently pursuing an MBA from Cornell University. One of the highlights of my business school is its focus on technology and providing advice to Israeli startups on finding a product market fit. Currently, my entire MBA class is in Tel Aviv, to meet…

How might we help people turn their ideas into words?

TL;DR: As part of Cornell Tech’s product studio, which is led by Greg Pass, leland rechis and J McLoughlin, my team members and I have suggested a killer feature for helping Medium’s users deliver high quality articles in less effort…

Information Policy: a primer

Reading list from a class at Cornell Tech

This list of articles, papers, and videos comprises the required readings in Controversies in Connective Media: Ethics, Policy, and Law, a class taught in the Spring 2016 semester at…