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Wit & Wisdom
Unlock smart insights, decode industry trends, navigate corporate challenges, and explore what’s trending with ‘Wit & Wisdom’- short reads, big insights with a tinge of humor to help you!
Note from the editor

Unlock smart insights, decode industry trends, navigate corporate challenges, and explore what’s trending with ‘Wit & Wisdom’- short reads, big insights with a tinge of humor to help you!

Go to the profile of Ankita Punjani
Ankita Punjani
Here to talk about everything from A-Z | Private Equity @Bain • Ex-Investment Banking @JP Morgan Chase • Started adulting @SRCC, Delhi University
Go to the profile of Ankita Punjani
Ankita Punjani
Here to talk about everything from A-Z | Private Equity @Bain • Ex-Investment Banking @JP Morgan Chase • Started adulting @SRCC, Delhi University