Xiwen Xu: Process Documentation

Corporate Identity, Fall 2017

34 min readAug 29, 2017

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project 5: Identity System

project 4: restaurant logo

Project 3: museum logo

Project 2: Olympic biding logo

Project 1: We Stand Together

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Identity System (Project 5)


Branding Guide
1st Finish

3 Critique Questions

what I heard :the first page can split into two pages, body text are too strong. writing need to be check!!! text are too big!!!! still need to manage the layout, make it looks more realted. a lot of writing problem in text body.

what I think: Doing a design guide is really helpful for the people who gonna use it, it is also helpful for the designer to get more understand and do some final change to the logo/brand.

what I am going to do: change the body text into grey color. Make the clear space bigger, find some mock up for the letter head, envelope and business card. split the stationary page in two pages, do more research about the collateral!!!


2nd Finish ID System + 1st Finish All Collateral (5)

2nd finish ID System:

what I heard:envelope, inside should be sprinkle pattern, the two side should be cut in angle, also the bottom part should be half size. card, adjust the length of the address, can try opened up card, have more space to read, change the name of the card. letter head, sapce between dots are big.

what I think: I think everything is going well , brainstorm is really helpful for coming up more ideas.

what I am going to do: print two side, so there will be a patteren inside the envelope, also do better craft. I need to manage my address so it will be shorter, also make the dots in the letterhead need to be balanced space. Maybe too many dots, delet the right corner dots elements.

1st Finish All Collateral

3 Critique Questions

what I think: I think from this collaterals I understand more about ID system, how to think from different angle and how to make a brand more complete.

what I heard: maybe a big menu that can craft as a big ice cream ball(combide with paper ice cream and menu idea togther), napkin pattern is nice, can also make a ice cream chef hat. Also a paper ice cream!!

what I am going to do: I will try to do poster size menu(depends on how much time I left)or a webpage. Make a smaller size stamp card, change the black circle to colorful one. Also reverse the color of the circle and letter in the punch card.


10 initial spread experimentations for branding guide


What I heard: Make all the tittle in CAPITAL!!! Also change tittle color in the red color. More focus on the layout, some spreads looks so simple. There is one picture are showing bread, should change that. Some spelling problem.

What I am going to do: I will make all the tittle in cap, and change color in the red color. I think some pages are empty, I need to put two pages information in one, or do more complete work on my spreads. Change the picture, find one with a ice cream in it. I will do more spreads, and manage information and design nicely. Check all my spells. Go to writing center(maybe).

What I think: I was a little bit confuse about the guide, but after I saw the examples, I got the idea. So I make all the things I want my brand/logo to be. Where it should be placed, how it should it will be use, the color palatte, ext. I think doing a design guide is really helpful for the people who gonna use it, it is also helpful for the designer to get more understand and do some final change to the logo/brand.


1st Finish Restaurant Identity System

business card:


letter head

collateral materials(napkin is still in process)


What I heard: the dots looks a little bit weird, there are a lot of empty space at the back of letter head. The business card is good. The enverlope is ok, maybe change the top left corner logo smaller, and also the text. Maybe place a big size come chill out at somewhere.

What I am going to do: I will adjust the dot size on the letter head, add more things at the back of the letter head. I will change the shape of the top snow looking. I will change the size of my logo. Also the logo’s font at the tag line are too small. I might place a big size come chill out at the collateral stamp card. Change the collateral size, can fit in to the purse.

What I think:I think I will improve my logo more, and nicly place the logo at my Restaurant Identity System. Maybe not only limited with pink color, I think I will try more color platte.


letter head:

business card



Whta I heard: The melted idea is good but since it is a ice house and it sells ice cream, it should not melt, so maybe no melted elements. Like the idea about how the color choosing maybe not the brown color, it is too dark. The waffle cone and the the dot is nice, maybe add some more, so it can be a ice cream set.

What I am going to do:I will get ride of the melted elements, also the drops. I will add sprinkle element in, so my business card will be in waffle cone texture, and my letter head will be in dots, my envelope will be in dots and sprinkle inside.

What I think:I think I learned a lot from these two identity system design project, and my project looks better when they are together. Also in this project, I learned not only the color and the shape can be related with each other, but also different elements can make things looks more interesting and different but not losing the relationship between each other.


library research:I found some good example for my ID system about my ice cream store, with simple color using, and nice logo and type management.

brainstorming notes

I think I will make it all looks natural color, red and pink as two main color, also the business card I am thinking maybe a logo shape ice cream card, and then simple letter head, like the research I did in the library.

Second finish

I did not do a lot of change of my folder but I did hand write on the folder.

what I heard: make everything SMALLER!!! The envolope is good, but maybe the tagline font is too big, also the logo say international measum, so it not need to be saying again at the side. Also letter head need to be more simple, all the information can be go at the bottom of the other side of the letterhead. name card, do some change at the front side, bigger font pt. The folder should be typed not hand write. Collateral is ok, maybe on a hard cover stock.

What I think: I think this whole project make me think more about how important the system is, need to designed different things but related with each other.

What I am going to do: MAKE EVERYTHING SMALLER! And also change the things from what I heard. Also make more change of the folder, I think the folder is a good material make it feels more like a old file, but not hand write, try to print on it.


name card,

what I heard: The back of the name card, information is not really has good readbility, also the information are all faked. maybe bigger font size.

what I think: I think after this critique, I got to know more about the management about the information in this small are.

what I am going to do: I will make the information bar more easily to read, and also make the icon more clearly, instead of the hat, maybe change them in to the reallocation, phone call and email icon .


what I heard: it is too black, maybe try front black, back white. give it some space to breath. put the logo and some where in the enverlope.

what I think: I think from this crituque I know more about how to make the space balance and also the way to make some negative space for people.

what I am going to do: I will add a small hat sticker as an close stick, also make the back of the envelop half white, add the logo at front.

letter head,

what I heard: add some thing, like anyone could be watching, at the front, the line are not connected, make it looks connect, will be more orgnized.

what I think: I think this critique I know more about how to design for a whole page and then still need to make the balance relationship between what people first see and after opend the whole letter what they see.

what I am going to do: I will make the tag line, big and light color, make it as a texture but when it fold, not dissturb the design at the one/third. Try to make two side line be continued.

collateral ,

what I heard: Find a real ID card make it more real looking, maybe a vip card only for our club members, in the photo part, make a real photo.

what I think: I think research is really important, cause I don’t want it just looks like something, I want to make it real, only this, it can be a good design.

what I am going to do: make sure the size is the same as a real ID card size. The photo part, make a real black and white photo in it, also line up evrything.


what I heard:Make more connection between the envelope, name card, letter head and collateral. the stamp looks like a photo not like a real stamp. Also the foler template, looks like a holder, but it looks like a flie from outside.

what I think: I think I need to find out more about the relationship between all my ID system project.

what I am going to do: I will use real the “brown paper”, I will find some more file template. Get rid of the coffee mark, make the stamp looks more real, also maybe can change the stamp to”anyone could be watching.” Add the target element at somewhere. Try to move the text and stamp around the file, try more option.

No reading today.


no class critique today.

talk with classmate: We think the target sign is a nice little element, we can use it as an connection in all the ptoject. Can make some little sticker hat, as a sticker for the back of the enverlope. The envelope need to contain a lot of imformation, not only design in it, make it more useful. The letter head is nice to be two side, maybe the line in the target sign can be continue in two side. Collateral is a ID card, make the target element suit in it. Name card is ok, maybe simple front and all the information at back.

No reading today.



The folder I made is a old file feeling folder. I am using brown paper to give it a extra texture make it looks old. Also the stamp ‘top secret’ to make the whole file more real.


I make a ID card as a collateral. Our visitor can put their photo or draw themselves on it, it will make the whole trip to spy museum more fun(I think). Also in this museum, we have a lot of activity that can make you try how spy’s life will be like, so it will be a card for those activity too, make them feel more real.


business card

letterhead, envelope

no critique.

Restaurant logo(project 4)


what I heard: the frost bite is too big, the tag line and the name should be a circle, the F has a more bigger bircle, like a ice cream ball, paly a little about the F, red color is nice. maybe a cherry at top.

what I think: I think after I change the logo’s line(make it looks more related to the typeface I choosed), I feels happy about it, also when I choosing color I make color drop the color form a real ice cream, makes it more real and looks dilicious.

what I am going to do: I will use the color of the red for sure, but I will find out some more color, to balance it, also the shape of F, I will make it more F looking.


what I heard: The F looks a little bit uncompeleted, not sure people can read it as a F, also the letter B do not need to change derection, because the F have a circler looking. The tyoe face is ok, but try some lower case. The shape of the logo should be some how related with the type.

what I think:I think in this critique, inspire me a lot, because I was so limited myself in to the circle of the ice cream corn, this critique makes me have more idea about it.

what I am going to do: I will make the F show more, and also try more about lower case in this font, to see how it’s going to work, also the shape of the logo, I will try more about it, some curly line, weighth changing or other things make the logo and type related.


what I heard: The one in the middle is not really working, make more improve about the other two, try to make the corn as a snaw flake shape, the ice cream ball, can try to change the shape as a F, not only a big F in the middle, make it more fun.

what I think:I think the second one is not working, perosonally I like the third one, has more meaning in it, and very easy to make people to know it is an ice cream shop.

what I am going to do: I will change the letter F in to a ice cream ball looking, and also make the letter B more like a corn. The type face is not good for all of these three, I will try more.


75 logo sketches

What I heard: Maybe play more with the idea ice castle, it is special but no showing in the sketches. Make a flake shepe out of the corn.

What I think: I think I will make more sketches, to see how it looks like with the coen flake idea. Also, some people like the ice cream ball and the corn concept(which is what I like, too). And the melted type can be a type-manage logo.

What I am going to do:I will try the melted type, and the snow flake shape corn and the ice cream ball and coorn, to imprive them into threee unique logo.


Reading respond :

Choose two examples you are excited by and write a paragraph on what is successful about each. Examine and comment on color, typography (hierarchy!), logo, paper/materials, special processes, etc — all in relation to the restaurant concept! How does analyzing these case studies inform your own restaurant concept/logo sketching?

  1. CAFE:Bare Witness, Sydney, Australia. I like this one because the color it is using is really nice, bule on pink color, also their location is at sydney, the color concept makes me think about flamingo, and summer also beach, so it really draw me attention and makes me feel like summer vacation, but not too hot with nice tempretra. The logo is made by a illustrate sitting long hair lady. Makes feels liek afternnon tea time realx and lazy in the cafe, drinking. Type face their using is vey simple, and nice readbility. I like the simple style they have is exaclty what I want in my resteraunt.
  2. The Corner Office: I think this one is really a good design for a cafe, which is clean and relax. Green color makes people feels like fresh and relax, which built a nice view of the enviroment.


  1. Thinking about making a ice cream store but only opened during winter, and the store will be a ice catsle. (opened winter only).
  2. chocolate house, everything make by chocolate, only opened during weekend because during the week day, we need to fix the house(since it made by chocolate people will eat some part of it.)
  3. a fruit traunk at amazon! everyone will eating in the bushes and pick all the fruit they like to eat.

name storming: ah… too hard to me. need more time

Museum logo(project 3)


Museum Logo
• Final 6 logo sheets
• Answers to 3 critique questions (class critique)
• FINAL FINAL Logos! 6 sheet.


For this project I am making a logo for a international spy museum, in this museum there are a lot of collection from different spies from different countries, lip stick gun, pigeon camera, bulgarian umbrella, etc. In my logo I make the word “spy” looks like human beings , each of them represents a spy. There are so many spies in the world, man, woman, child. They are tall, small, old…etc. So I pick three typical human being figures with different shape and size to represent all the spy, and made them looks like black shadow, give them a mysterious feeling. They are also wearing hats, to give it more human and fun feeling. Because in the spy museum, they have some activity for people who want to be a spy to try how spy finish their missions. The tag line: Anyone could be listening… gives a hint about how spy lived in a high risk world. The color I choose is black and red, combine these two color together, give the logo a top secret feeling.

class critique

what I heard: the red hat is cute, but the changing shape and space between p and y are not working, maybe no …in the tag line.

what I will do: keep the red hat, but not changing the shape of the p and y. also make the tag line lined up.

what I think: I think I will cahneg them and make them better! I like the red color and black idea, finally find out that the red hat idea, happy!


Museum Logo
• Final 6 logo sheets
• Answers to 3 critique questions (class critique)
• FINAL FINAL Logos! 6 sheets

class critique

what I heard: international and the spy are too close with each otehr.The tagline should be line up with the logo. All concept looks good in the vertical version.

what I am going to do: Change the tagline leting space, make them lined up. Find a way to charge the negative space between p and y.

what I am thinking: I dont like the sapce between the p and y, might try to put the y below the p, and the whole idea is try to make the word space more huaman being feeling.


the picture I found is the one on the homepage of the international museum, I am trying to find out a color can be matched the picture.


what I heard: The one with color block in side of the letter looks like a building, which feels like spy are hiding between them. Black and red color looks good in this logo. Try no color block inside of the letter, and change the format of the word “spy”.

what I am going to do: no color block inside of the letter, hat and letter in same color, play with the shape of the shadow of people, red and black is good for the spy subject.

what I think: I think I will using black and red color, because they shows mystical feeling. I think overall, the whole logo need to be more detailed, now it is type management, but I also want to change the type a little bit, so it can be uniq.



  1. I have chosen you an important assignment…
  2. Anyone could be listening…
  3. Anyone could be watching…
  4. I am right next to you…
  5. coming in and feel it.
  6. Do you want to be a spy, come here and you will be one.
  7. All the secret you have are under my control.
  8. Wanna see spy world?
  9. Be a spy in here.
  10. sheesh… we need you.
  1. what I heard: people like the spy has a little big angle but not too much, also like the hat, font is nice. try more competitions about the word spy and the other words.
  2. what I am going to do: I will try more option about my logo, and I think I will try to bring back the original idea about the three different people feeling. Maybe more angle about the word spy, and put pace the other word flat.
  3. what I think: I like this process makes me know more about how to understand a company, and how to make a logo more and more successful.




what I heard: I should focus on the black shape one, that one is simple and showing to main idea of spy. Now it goes too far. I should make it more simple. try to find a eye online which is showing the motion of watching. Put a hand are holding gang inside the “P”.

what I am going to do: I will push the back shape one, simplify it.

what I think: I think I need to find a way to balance the type and the image, because now they feel not together, I will place the type around and trying different way to place it, pushing more on the first one.

  • What does the company want to say to their audience? They are trying to say that come to our museum we will give you a different experience about how spy lives, how is their life, what are they doing in the real world.
    • What value does the company bring to their audience? Spy is everywhere. Lead use to see how is spy’s world looks like.
    • What benefits do they offer above the competitors? They are a international spy musuem. They almost have all the tool spy usually using for their job. They have a lot collection, and also they have some nice activity to audience to try be a spy, to feel how it feels like.
    • How are they different from the others in their field? They has more oppostion about what you can try in the museum, also, more collection in this museum, their museum is bigger and has more stuff.
  1. What was your initial reaction to the Whitney identity system after reading the first article? When I first saw the logo pin, I feel boring and disappointing, but after reading thr article and the design of the notebook, pen, bags, bookmarks, etc. They are cool design, and easily understanding, make a lot more sense to the main idea, what. So I think it is a nice design, and delivery the main idea clearly.
  2. In your own words, describe what responsive design is. What are the pros and cons of applying responsive design to an identity system? I know what is responsive web design, but for responsive design means design can make changes when they are at different situation, like the W pin design, it is changing format at different pin, so I think responsive design is the design can changing format at different situation. Pro: I think it does increase the interest for the client, people will be happy to see the changing and it can always give client some little surprise cause it is always changing. Con: It will be a lot work need to do. Some design will be popular but some others might be not popular and being stock in the store.
  3. The new Whitney identity has been criticized as boring and duplicitous due its simplistic, open-ended design. Do you agree or disagree — why? Are boring and simple one in the same? No, I don’t agree about that boring and simple are in the same, because simple design can be super interesting, also boring design are not alwsays simple design. Boring besign can be very complex but meaning nothing. So I dont agree.

my museum logo. the museum of spy


talking about spy I think about a lot and trying to make them feels always stay at dark side watching you, and they know top secret. they are everywhere. they have a group but alway do anything by one individuals. there is my brain storm. And the original museum logo.

50 sketches

what I heard: should not make the logos in to a sqaure box, type logo are most popular in my logos. We pick out 3 most successful one and push more.

what I think : I like the three shape of black block with the hat most, maybe I will push more on that one. Like the idea classmate give me with the “P” as a eye is looking. Try more to see if there is some more I can do with the type.

what I am going to do: I will make more try on them. Personally pick one with black block and hat, one with type has one eye watching, one with the “P” as a hand holding a gang. Make them into three revised logos.

1. Understand your competition: using type and make them like a human or something else.
2. Ask the right questions
3. Stay flexible during the process:
feel ok to change my logos, like the “SPY” with the ‘P’ holding a gang.
4. Respect a brand’s heritage:
the original is a man with a shadow at his back, I was using the black man as a main body of my logo.
5. Remember: a logo is just one ingredient
6. Choose your typeface carefully:
yes, I will use sans serif
7. Tweak and refine to add personality:
give the letters some personalities.
8. Consider illustrated, fully-bespoke (custom-made) type:
like the broken letter ‘S’ will made by myself, also the holding gang’s P and Y.
9. Explore serendipitous letter combinations
10. Take ownership of an entire typeface
11. Strip it back to basics:
show simply SPY three letters to present it is a spy museum.
12. Understand shape psychology:
make the letters in different shape and make it looks more human being feeling.
13. Master grids and structure:
lettters stand at the same level but in different high
14. Employ negative space:
has negetive space between the letters, and then the space will be balance.
15. Make use of wit and humor
16. Understand the color wheel:
dark color to shows the mystry.
17. Manage color schemes carefully:
will use black and white might be a little bit red.
18. Use color to control mood:
use dark color to show represent top secret.
19. Research sector-specific color trends
20. Don’t forget black and white
21. Always get a second opinion (from a professional!)
22. Develop the rest of the brand world:
using simplify one rectangular and a hat as a quick logo, it can be on a pencil or on a eraser.
23. Consider how to bring it alive

Olympic biding logo(project 2)



  1. what I heard:The color is too dark, losing the detail and the olympic circle in the blue part back ground. Also red color too. Also the word winter 2030 and candidate city should be capital might be better.
  2. what I am going to do:Try to make only in three colors, red and blue and white. All the outlines in blue, and the red as a background, make the letter in white or blue to make it more readable, also the olympic circle is not readable too, maybe change them in to white color.
  3. what I think: I think I need to more focus one the comunication about the logo, because I need people to know what I mean, so I need to be more careful about my background color choosing and the words capital problem.


What additional tweaking/editing/revisions you could apply to your Olympic logo to elevate craft and/or communication of the intended concept/message? How can you avoid revisions/additions that may unintentionally become decoration, a passé trend, or compromise readability?I think in my olympic logo design, I can try to combine two version togather, the font I was using in the non-flag feeling logo looks better then the flag feeling font, also I think I want to keep my original idea, to show the flag in my logo. I will still use white blue and red to make it more readable.


  1. what I heard: try to use different tool to do the logo in Ai. Like the original one. push more.
  2. what I am going to do: to push more and use more tool to make the logo. Also play around with the color and how the type placed..
  3. what I think: I think it is a good idea to use different tool, see the difference how the tool makes different feeligns.


  1. According to the article, 81% of logos are one or two colors max. Why? I think one or two color is easier to get client attention, and easily to read, also color are delivery meanings, so one or tow colors will directly to show what is the meaning of the company want to represent.
    2. Other than simply applying the Olympic ring color palette, what color combinations can support visual aesthetics and deepen your Olympic Bid Logo concept, especially in regard to your city?
    Please create a one-color, two-color, three-color and full color palette with a rationale for each. One color I will choose blue, not only becasue it is the top one color which are using for the top branding, it’s also because what I want to shows in the logo is to represant united state, and I trying to use the state shape as a flag, so since the united state flag color is blue red and white so i think it will be nice to use blue coloe. Two color, I think I might use blue and red, the reason for red color is because I have a little star to show where Bozeman at, I can make it a red star, make it more obvious. There color I might add yellow color in my log, since we have blue and red I think a little bit yellow will balance the whole image.

24 variations


  1. what I heard: try to use different tool to do the logo in Ai. Like the original one. push more.
  2. what I am going to do: to push more and use more tool to make the logo. Also play around with the color and how the type placed..
  3. what I think: I think it is a good idea to use different tool, see the difference how the tool makes different feeligns.




  1. This is what I heard: the first logo is trying to hard to be nice, which is too much informationtrying to communicate with people. maybe choose the second one to improve.
  2. This is what I think: I agree that the first one is going too much, be come too complex as a logo, the thired one I did not find a way to make it looks better, so I will push the second one, try different font, and try placing the city and year information at differernt place to see what will be the best solution.
  3. This is what I’m going to do:I will try to improve the second one, and push further, do 24 variations on this one.



My this project is to design 2030 winter Bozeman olympic bid logo. The first thing come up to my mind is the yellow stone national park, so I was using the shape of the national park logo as the outsaide shape of the logo, based on this I came up 5 ideas, then I searching online, there are lots of snow pictures online about Bozeman.

based on these pictures I come up some idea related the mountain, and the snow. Like the snow flake and snow mountain shape logo. and also there is a star shape sign hang at the center of the city, so I also make some that into some of my design.


1.Understand your competition:using snow flake, because snow is everywhere in Bozeman, also mountain, also people do skate and there are some activity like ride dear, and a lot winter activity, trying to combine them togther.
2. Ask the right questions
3. Stay flexible during the process:
I conbine a lot idea together to try different piece how they looks like when they are together.
4. Respect a brand’s heritage:
Bozeman has a logo which is a animal head in blue color, I try to use the blue color in to my logo.
5. Remember: a logo is just one ingredient:
Also put the meanig of snow and winter into the logo, give it more meaning.
6. Choose your typeface carefully:
I choose DIN Alternate Bold, Because it is simply to read and have a nice balance in my logo, give people a official feeling.
7. Tweak and refine to add personality:
I make some of them with animals and sepecific activities in Bozeman, some of them are cute, some of them are straight forward.
8. Consider illustrated, fully-bespoke (custom-made) type:
add a lot of material only Bozeman have, related with Bozeman and winter weather.
9. Explore serendipitous letter combinations:
I trying to use BO make them circular and find a way to represent the olympic fove circles.
10. Take ownership of an entire typeface
11. Strip it back to basics:
main idea is trying to show people this is Bozeman, it is winter olympic game.
12. Understand shape psychology:
I was using Montana state shape, also I was trying to make Bozeman’s mountain shape, pull out the yellow stone national part logo’s shape try to use it.
13. Master grids and structure:
I make grid in each logo, to make sure the type will be in grid.
14. Employ negative space:
try to make negative space in to a shape, so the logo looks not seperate.
15. Make use of wit and humor:
made one logo, a boy is falling from skating and has Bozeman and 2030 winter at the skateboard.
16. Understand the color wheel:
want to make the whole logo looks winter weather and olympic feeling. Balance and olympic color wheel
17. Manage color schemes carefully:
olympic logo’s five colors and might drak blue, red and yellow.
18. Use color to control mood:
might use big space of dark blue color, use yellow to balance the whole imalge.
19. Research sector-specific color trends:
olympic color is always five colors, to show the winter will be using white as a color.
20. Don’t forget black and white:
trying tomake white as a snow and winter feeling
21. Always get a second opinion (from a professional!) :
do critiques with classmate
22. Develop the rest of the brand world
23. Consider how to bring it alive:
push more

50 sketches


  1. This is what I heard: After everyone got the snow flake and the mountain shape meaning, we picked three logo which we think can develop more, one is with the type only one, and one is the snow flake one, and a mountain shape has three tree as a negative space one.
  2. This is what I think: I think for my personal like, I like the mountain one most, because it shows the winter time period and also shows the shape of the mountain in Bozeman. But also the strongest one is the type one, because it caught attention really quick, and easily understand. I think I will focus on the three we picked, and develop them more.
  3. This is what I’m going to do: I will make the type more circular, crate a interesting shape, second one is make the three tree shape looks different and change the color of it, so it has the gold, silver, cooper feeling. the last one to change the flake more complete feelig.

We Stand Together(project 1)

9/7/17: Class Three

final logo


I think my strongest logo is the com-potation one, I take the idea of the word together, and make them stand like the pictures characters, they are holding hands and stand together, and the circle I choose the blue color, feels like earth, and using the orange color for type, so it feels like warm strength are protecting the earth, and we stand together, using our own power to become a big fist. the weakest part I think I have is the color and the font, the orange color of my type is so hard to see, the black outline is taking place of it, and the circle behide the fist. #WeStandTogether

Your Logo is Copied and Unlucky Designers reaction

1.Reflect on a time when you copied an idea — what did you learn from that experience? Would you do it again? Was there a way to solve the problem without copying? I think copy also means learing, from what I experienced I think learned a lot, I learned how to nicely using font, how to organise positive negative space. I think I will do it again, but I have different thinking about the word copy, I think I didn’t copy anyones idea, but from the reading I do agree, sometime when we saw some design, it inspire me, but I forget where did I see that, and start thinking it is my own idea. In my opinion I think copy means, do something similar and you know your are doing it intentional, that is copy.

2. Were you ever the one that was stolen or ‘copied’ from? What was your reaction to that? How did you deal with it? I think I did not copy from anyone but maybe when I put my designs on google picture findig, there might be similar stuff pop out, I never try it yet, but I do agree about what Biju Neyya is right, “ never ever Google your idea to see whether anyone else have thought of it before. Because, the chances are, there will be plenty!”. about been copy, I did not know anyone was copying mine design? Maybe my design work don’t”worth” them to copy? (Lol).

3. Is anything original anymore? I think still a lot of things out there are original, because even sometime people making similar things but still they come up the ideal by themselves. So I think except the people who really copied, there are still a lot of design are original.

9/5/17: Class Three

3 logo choosing

  1. This is what I heard: Put the word “together”as little figures and make them holding hands stand together, become a circle, use color to make a sunshine feeling. Change the form of the letters and make them more like crowed.
    2. This is what I think: I think I need to do more sketch, I think make letters stand together and hold hands is a super cute idea, I’d like to try that, and use warm color to make people feel warm and have energy, show how strong when we stand together. and try more texture on the stone character ,and add them on the stone, so that I have a big range to find out which one I really like, (because I like the stone idea more).
    3. This is what I’m going to do: Complete the whoe 18 sketches, I like the water drop go through the stone idea, make the Chinese character more like a stone, add some texture on it, and combine stone character and water drop together to show the strength.

8/31/17: Initial Square Ideas

For this project, when I saw the title the word first come up to my mind is strength, so I choose to use strength as what I am going to do. I was thinking about macular arm, or holding hands are making engergy. The first sketch I am doing is an arm pic. Second thing about strength is more people more powerful we got, so I come up the old idioms — if we keep doing and banding together, don’t give up, then even water drop can drop through stone, so I using the chinese character “石” to represent stone, and using some water drop iamge to explain the meaning of the idioms.

  1. This is what I heard: Put the word “together”as little figures and make them holding hands stand together, become a circle, use color to make a sunshine feeling. Change the form of the letters and make them more like crowed.
    2. This is what I think: I think I need to do more sketch, I think make letters stand together and hold hands is a super cute idea, I’d like to try that, and use warm color to make people feel warm and have energy, show how strong when we stand together. and try more texture on the stone character ,and add them on the stone, so that I have a big range to find out which one I really like, (because I like the stone idea more).
    3. This is what I’m going to do: Complete the whoe 18 sketches, I like the water drop go through the stone idea, make the Chinese character more like a stone, add some texture on it, and combine stone character and water drop together to show the strength.

8/29/17: Class One

happy to see my calssmates.

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