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Corrado Cavalli
Corrado Cavalli
I’m a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, former Xamarin/Microsoft MVP and, when not in front of a monitor, a passionate mountain biker and ski tourer.
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Introducing Xamarin Forms Behaviors

The goal of this post is to introduce you to the Xamarin.Forms.Behavior package available on NuGet, if you landed here I presume you already know what Xamarin Forms is, if not, follow this link so you’ll understand why so many developers are excited about it.

Debug design time issues in Blend 2013

In 2010 (wow! that’s a long time ago…) I blogged about how to debug Blend design time exceptions, since then things have changed, Blend and Visual studio designer merged and so the XAML designer is now hosted in a separate process named XDesProc.exe (at least in…