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VC by the Numbers
Venture capital insights from the Correlation Ventures team.
Note from the editor

Correlation Ventures is a new breed of venture capital firm, leveraging world-class analytics to offer entrepreneurs and other venture capitalists a dramatically better option when they are seeking additional capital to complete a financing round. Backed by leading institutional investors, Correlation has more than $350 million under management.

Go to the profile of Correlation Ventures
Correlation Ventures
Correlation Ventures leverages predictive analytics to offer entrepreneurs and lead investors co-investment decisions within two weeks. info@correlationvc.com
Go to the profile of Trevor Kienzle
Trevor Kienzle
Co-founder @correlationvc. Former startup founder. 19-year VC. Father of three & soccer enthusiast. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
Go to the profile of David Coats
Go to the profile of Jake Rosenfeld
Go to the profile of Nihar Neelakanti
Go to the profile of Trevor Kienzle
Trevor Kienzle
Co-founder @correlationvc. Former startup founder. 19-year VC. Father of three & soccer enthusiast. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
Go to the profile of David Coats
Go to the profile of Miles T. Bird
Go to the profile of Collin R West
Collin R West
VC @CorrelationVC; Kauffman Fellow; Rowed the Arctic Ocean @ArcticRow;