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5 min readDec 26, 2018


VR Gloves: Feeling the Virtual World

The prospect of entering a magical world featuring limitless possibilities is amazing. You can be anything you like and do everything you always wanted to. Such is the prospect of the Virtual world and while people may imagine using VR to wearing bulky head gears and looking here and there, there a lot more to it than meets the eye. The VR headset only caters to the visual and sound aspect of the VR world, but the real fun comes having the ability of not only touching the virtual objects, but also feeling them. To cater this unique immersive aspect, dedicated VR companies have made the VR gloves and they help you in experiencing the Virtual world better.

This wearable interface fits on your hand just like any other glove but it lets you experience the virtual world like never before. You can not only pick up a virtual ball and throw it across the field wearing VR gloves, you can also grab a virtual bird and feel it fluttering in your hands trying to get away from your grip. Imagine feeling the virtual rain on your hands, the recoil of a virtual gun and feel the resistance of an object as you try to lift it in the virtual world. Interestingly, this technology is not very far into the future and there are many developers who have already featured their prototypes. Here are a few prominent ones.

VRfree Glove system

Featuring fingertip-less gloves along with an HMD mount VRfree features a range of 6 different sensors. The sensors one the gloves and are connected to the HMD and this lovely combination allows you to enjoy your interactive experience easily and without relying on 3rd party tracking devices. The device claims of a latency as low as 30ms from hand to HMD with mobile operations along with extremely high accuracy. What’s more, its lightweight, has a long battery life and even tracks your hands beyond your frame of vision.

Hi5 VR glove

This device is designed to capture as many hand movements as possible. Featuring fingertip-less gloves, Hi5 boasts of a 5ms latency, full finger tracking and haptic feedback, the device gives users a more immersed experience. These gloves are made of environment friendly, antibacterial and breathable material that keeps the hands dry and clean. This ensures low maintenance and also boosts ease of use.


Featuring a futuristic design this glove has 10 sensing zones and provides forces on each hand. This means that if you press on a spring in the virtual world, you will feel it exerting force on your fingers and jumping back to its original length. The pressure sensing feature on each finger allows you to feel almost everything in the virtual world. The gloves claim of a latency period of 10ms, has the ability of capturing complex gestures and motions, and has 360-degree thumb tracking even when it’s bent. Just like Hi5, this glove is breathable, comfortable, flexible, and weighs less than a pound.

BreqLabs ExoGlove

In collaboration with TriOS College and Humber College, BreqLabs has developed Exoglove, a device that captures finger gestures and 3D postures. This helps wearer in experiencing the immersive virtual world in a distinctive way. Sensors integrated into the Exoglove track hand postures with tremendous accuracy and cover quite a wide range. 3 subsystems power the sensors for tracking finger movement, hand position and haptic perception. Exoglove is not actually a glove. It is a wireless clip-on attachment consisting five rings and fastening around the wrist.

HaptX Gloves Development Kit

The leading provider of realistic haptic technology HaptX Inc. features HaptX Gloves Development Kit. It is an industrial-grade product designed for advanced simulation in the virtual reality. The kit comes with two gloves, each having 130 tactile actuators (little pressure-sensitive devices) that allow realistic touch feedback all over the hand including the fingertips. HaptX Gloves empower VR users to create VR simulations with natural interaction and realistic touch feedback. Built with the microfluidic technology, the gloves pump fluid through their wires to provide the feedback. Haptx Gloves boasts of motion tracking with sub-millimeter precision.


CaptoGlove is the first VR glove that is compatible with with PCs, drones, smartphones, and smart TVs. It connects easily with these devices through Bluetooth and gives intuitive control leading to a fully-immersive experience. CaptoGlove was originally developed as a health rehab tool aimed at assisting patients recover from strokes. It looks like a pair of biking gloves and are thin and very easy to wear, but they give you experiences that are simply amazing.

Despite the fact that the technology used in VR gloves is different with different manufacturers, they are all built to serve the user in the best possible way. The perfect VR glove would be able to make the user feel the balloon pop as it is squeezed in the VR or feel the bow vibrate as the arrow shoots from it. These are all the sensations that make the VR world realistic for us and will be excellent in a virtual universe that is built to have fun in an open world environment. Cosmos CR is one such project where users will be able to access the virtual world through a web browser and will be given the freedom to build everything and be anything. With endless possibilities, it’s best you use the perfect gear to have endless fun and something like the Teslasuit will be the perfect thing to go with your gloves. What are your views about it? If you want to know more about Cosmos CR read this article here.




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