EVM Contract on Mintscan

Starting with EVMOS network, Mintscan is supporting EVM contract data. In this article, we’ll navigate through EVM contract data presented by Mintscan block explorer on EVMOS network.

5 min readDec 28, 2022


Smart Contracts on Cosmos Chains

There are two type of smart contracts running on Cosmos SDK chains at the time of writing — CosmWasm and EVM. CosmWasm was designed to have Rust smart contracts run on multiple Cosmos SDK chains, and Mintscan has been presenting CosmWasm contract data since the first quarter of 2022. Thanks to the Ethermint module, Solidity smart contracts can be deployed on Cosmos SDK chains just like on EVM chains. As a multi-chain block explorer, Mintscan now displays contract data of EVM contracts, starting with EVMOS.

Mintscan Hub Galaxy

Evmos is one of the 52 stars in the Mintscan Hub galaxy. Live Evmos IBC connection data can be found at https://hub.mintscan.io/chains/overview.


EVMOS is a unique Cosmos SDK chain that offers both Cosmos based address and EVM based address. Because of the Ethermint module, Evmos users can interact with EVM smart contracts while enjoying advantages of Cosmos SDK features like on-chain governance and IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication). Since the EVM ecosystem including O.G. networks like Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC have a rich reference of smart contract developments, forging a dApp for the EVM environment can have a great advantage compared to creating a module or a CosmWasm smart contract — there are simply much more contracts to folk.

EVM Contracts

Contracts Tab

Contracts Tab on Mintscan.io/evmos

Notice that there’s a newly created “CONTRACTS” tab on Mintscan. This new tab presents contracts running on Evmos’s EVM. Users can discover some popular contracts on the chain or search for specific contracts in the contracts search bar.

In the list of contracts, Mintscan displays brief information about each contract — contract name, type, creator, instantiate moment, and last executed moment. On the very left side is the “Verified” checkbox — it turns green if there’s a contract code available.

Contract Details

Full information about each contract is also available. Let’s look into WEVMOS9 contract for example.

On top of the brief information displayed in the Contracts tab, token name, symbol, decimals, and total supply are present in the details page.

One of the most important details presented by Mintscan is the contract code data. There are actual code, ABI, and read version of a contract available for Mintscan users to check on each “verified” contracts.

In the “code” tab, Mintscan offers the actual solidity source code of a contract along with contract meta data and deployed bytecode.

Then there’s a list of transactions involving the contract is presented at the bottom of the Contract Details page.


ERC-20 Tokens

In the “ASSETS” tab, Mintscan users can now find native Evmos coins, IBC coins, and ERC20 tokens. The addition of ERC20 tokens is important because there will be much more ERC20 contract tokens than native & IBC coins in the Evmos network.

Asset Details

Beside the ERC20 tokens, there is an update in the assets details of original Evmos coin and IBC coins.

Evmos coin asset details

Now users can click to see full details of Evmos coin — available, delegated, unbonding, distribution, and IBC out amount in the form of a pie graph. It can be a great indicator of Evmos token’s macroeconomic trend for investors.

Mintscan also provides a rich list of Evmos token in the same page. The list shows addresses that hold the most amount of Evmos token with tags for users to identify them.

Account details

In the account details page of an Evmos address, Contract Tokens section is newly added. Mintscan users can now find his contract token amount and its value on Mintscan like the example below.

Universal Block explorer

Crypto world changes every minute. And Mintscan has been persistently keeping up with new projects and ideas in order to deliver nothing but the best UX to its users. Mintscan started as a Cosmos interchain explorer, but it’s keep evolving itself to accommodate with growing needs from users. This EVM contract support on Evmos is a great milestone for Mintscan as it plans to become a comprehensive universal block explorer. Mintscan aims to become the omnipresent block explorer in the entire crypto space one day.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation has been a web3 infrastructure team contributing to more than 50 protocols since 2018. Our suite of products include Mintscan block explorer, Cosmostation non-custodial crypto wallet, and node validator service. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


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