The New Kavascan by the Mintscan Team

The Kava Chain EVM block explorer is now powered by the Mintscan team.

5 min readApr 24, 2024


From to

Mintscan team announced the launch of in February, 2024. was the beta version of the new Kavascan, running parallel to the previous by Blockscout. In the course of two months, the new Kavascan has been battle-tested and debugged to debut as the fully operational official EVM explorer for Kava Chain. It is now ready to serve all the Kava Chain users with faster, easier, and richer features than the previous Kavascan. Let’s see what it offers.


Contract Verification

This feature improves safety by allowing users to confirm that the onchain deployed smart contract’s source code aligns with what it’s supposed to be before engaging in any value-exchanging interactions. However, it doesn’t ensure absolute safety. It compares human-readable codes with bytecodes and verify that they match each other.

In other words, this is different from a smart contract audit, which tests if the contract itself is good or bad. Contract verification is about confirming that the onchain contract is what it says it is in human-readable codes.

Kavascan users can verify smart contract on Kavascan in 4 simple steps:

  1. Navigate to a smart contract page on Kavascan
  2. Click ‘Contract’ tab
  3. Import the source code from a contract, via GitHub, or by uploading a JSON file to compare with the onchain bytecode.
  4. Hit ‘publish’ button to execute the verification process.

If the source code matches the onchain bytecode, Kavascan will show that the contract is verified like the image above.

Contract Read/Write

Once a contract is verified on Kavascan, users can see the verification information about the contract. In addition, ‘Read Contract’ and ‘Write Contract’ become available in the contract tab like the image above. These pages are where all data and information related to an Kava contract are displayed.

The ‘Read Contract’ functionality converts contract code into a format that’s easy for people to understand, enabling users to interact with the code directly. This feature only permits users to request information that’s been programmed into the contract. For instance it’s possible to view a series of functions that have been incorporated in a contract, such as name, totalSupply, symbol, and allowance, among others.

The ‘Write Contract’ feature enables direct interaction with the contract on Kavascan, contrasting with the “Read Contract” feature. It requires connecting your wallet to engage with the contract. Click the ‘Connect Wallet’ button and select your wallet. After connecting, you’ll be able to interact with various functions listed under the “Write Contract” section like ‘approve’, ‘deposit’, and etc.

Contract Internal Transactions

This is about moving assets via a smart contract that acts like a middleman. When you’re viewing transaction details on Kavascan, you’ll find these transactions under the “Internal Txns” tab.


EVM native assets including ERC 20 tokens and ERC 721 tokens (NFTs) are all supported on Kavascan.

NFTs — ERC721

NFT usages are not limited to collectibles anymore. NFTs are being used in diverse protocols to serve different purposes. Many prominent defi protocols now use NFTs to represent a liquidity provider’s position that a user holds. For example, Kinetix and Wagmi mint ERC-721 tokens when a LP position is added on their exchanges.

The new Kavascan users can find their LP position NFT holdings under the token holdings drop-down menu on their account details page. In addition, transaction details pages display transfers of ERC-721 tokens(NFTs) as well. This includes both minting and transferring.

Top Tokens

Top Tokens tab is where the Kavascan users can track the popular ERC 20 tokens minted on Kava Chain. A total of 11 ERC20 tokens are listed on the page including WKAVA, native USDT, ATOM, and WBTC. Trading volume, Kava onchain marketcap, and the number of hodlers for each asset can be tracked from this page.

Easy View

EVM Dashboard

Kava Chain EVM dashboard is where it all starts. It displays an overview of the chain with essential onchain data like KAVA coin marketcap, gas price, block time, and transaction counts over time. Search any Kava address, block, transaction, or token from the search bar at the top to start navigating the Kava onchain data.

Mobile View

The new Kavascan is also optimized for mobile view. Search, view, and interact with all the features on Kavascan on mobile comfortably. We believe crypto user experience on mobile should be as streamlined as on desktop.

Zooming Out…

We introduced the new Kavascan by built by the Mintscan team in this article. There are several key features like contract verification, contract read/write, and NFTs supported on Kavascan that are specialized for the EVM environment of Kava Chain. Mintscan team is dedicated to building robust onchain data tracking products that can expand beyond checking transaction histories. There’s more to come.

About Cosmostation & Mintscan

Cosmostation empowers blockchain businesses by providing secure solutions. Securing blockchain networks requires continuous operational oversight. Since 2018, Cosmostation has been providing a suite of robust solutions that enables businesses to contribute to blockchain network security and visibility without the overhead of managing infrastructure. Through Mintscan and Kavascan, Cosmostation continues to drive the ethos of transparency and user-centric design, fostering a more insightful interaction with blockchain data across various networks.


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