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coSquare is a Q&A platform for Legal Help. Our blog provides guidance on how to deal with legal issues, money-saving tips, as well as tools and templates so you can do it yourself.
Note from the editor

coSquare is a Q&A platform for Legal Help. Our blog provides guidance on how to deal with legal issues, money-saving tips, as well as tools and templates so you can do it yourself.

Go to the profile of Vadim Lidich
Vadim Lidich
Serial Entrepreneur, Product Architect, Advisor & Investor. Democratizing Access to Justice at coSquare.co Treating Medium like Twitter with no character limit.
Go to the profile of Vadim Lidich
Vadim Lidich
Serial Entrepreneur, Product Architect, Advisor & Investor. Democratizing Access to Justice at coSquare.co Treating Medium like Twitter with no character limit.