COTI Treasury Step By Step Guide

Published in
8 min readFeb 1, 2022

In this guide we will walk you through the following steps:


Please note that you can only make a Treasury deposit through the COTI Pay VIPER wallet using your Native $COTI balance.

Please make sure your VIPER wallet has the available amount of the Native $COTI you wish to deposit . Here’s a step by step guide if you don’t have one yet.

If you wish to swap your ERC20 $COTI to Native $COTI, you can do it here:

Here is a guide on how to use the COTI bridge

If you currently stake $COTI using the Staking 3.0 program, you need to decide if you wish to fully unstake and go all-in to the Treasury or gradually unstake post the launch of the treasury. More details can be found here.

How to make a new Treasury deposit

Step 1 — Login to your COTI Pay VIPER wallet under the following Link —

Step 2 — Click on the “Treasury” tab in the navigation panel.

Step 3 — Click on the “New Deposit” button.

Step 5 — Input the amount you wish to deposit (minimum deposit amount is 1 $COTI + fees).

If you wish to deposit your maximum balance amount, click on “Max”

Step 6 — Choose whether you want to pay the fees from your deposited amount or from your wallet balance by checking or unchecking the “Include Fees” checkbox.

Step 7 — Choose the deposit multiplier you want to apply to your deposit (Please note increasing the deposit multiplier above x1 may result in deposit liquidation). Additional information can be found here.

Step 8 — Choose a Locking Period if you wish to lock your deposit.

Step 9 — Choose whether you want the platform to automatically extend the set locking period for an additional lock cycle once the first cycle has elapsed.

Step 10 — Review your deposit parameters. Remember, there will be a 24 hour minimal engagement period each time you deposit into the treasury.

Step 11 — Submit your deposit by clicking on the “New Deposit” button.

Step 12 — Copy the Deposit ID if you wish to save it for a later use.

Step 13 — Click on the “Done” button.

Step 14 — Wait for the deposit transaction to be finalized (you may monitor transaction “status” by clicking the status link on the top of the deposit card).

Congratulations, Your deposit request has been successfully submitted, as soon as the deposit transaction reaches the “completed” status, your deposit card will be updated and your deposit will start accumulating rewards.

How to manage and update an active deposit

Step 1 — Login to your COTI Pay VIPER wallet under the following Link —

Step 2 — Click on the “Treasury” tab in the navigation panel

Step 3 — Click on the “Manage” button on the deposit card you wish to update

Step 5 — if you wish to top-up your deposit ,choose the amount you wish to add (min deposit amount 1COTI + fees)

Step 6 — Choose whether you want to pay the fees from your deposited amount or from your wallet balance by checking or unchecking the “Include Fees” checkbox.

Step 7 — If your deposit is “Unlocked” and you wish to lock it, please select the lock period duration.

Step 8 — If your deposit is locked, choose whether you want the platform to automatically extend the locking period for an additional lock cycle once the first cycle has elapsed.

Step 9 — Review your deposit parameters

Step 11 — Click on the “Update” button.

Step 12 — Copy the Deposit ID if you wish to save it for a later use.

Step 13 — Click on “Done”

Step 14 — Wait for the deposit transaction to be finalized (you may monitor transaction “status” by clicking the status link on the top of the deposit card).

Congratulations, You have successfully updated your treasury deposit details.

How to claim your rewards

Step 1 — Login to your COTI Pay VIPER wallet under the following Link —

Step 2 — Click on the “Treasury” tab in the navigation panel

Step 3 — Click on the “Manage” button next to the deposit card you wish to manage

Step 4 — Click on the “Rewards” tab

Step 5 — Type in the amount you wish to claim

Step 6 — Select which wallet address you want to move it to by using the “To” dropdown

Step 7 — Review the rewards withdrawal details

Step 8 — Click on “Claim”

Step 9 — Copy the Deposit ID if you wish to save it for a later use

Step 10 — Click on “Done”

Step 11 — Wait for the transaction to be finalized.

Congratulations, You have successfully claimed your Treasury rewards

How to withdraw your deposit

Step 1 — Login to your COTI Pay VIPER wallet under the following Link —

Step 2 — Click on the “Treasury” tab in the navigation panel

Step 3 — Click on the “Manage” button next to the deposit card you want to manage

Step 4 — Click on the “Withdraw” tab

Step 5 — Type in the deposit amount you wish to claim (or click Max to withdraw the entire deposit).

Step 6 — Select which wallet address you wish to move your deposit amount into by using the “To” dropdown

Step 7 — Review the rewards withdrawal details

Step 8 — Click on “Withdraw”

Step 9 — Copy the Deposit ID if you wish to save it for later use

Step 10 — Click on “Done”

Step 11 — Wait for the transaction to be finalized.

Congratulations, You have successfully withdrawn your treasury deposit

How to view the history of your Treasury deposit

Step 1 — Login to your COTI Pay VIPER wallet under the following Link —

Step 2 — Click on the “Treasury” tab in the navigation panel

Step 3 — Click on the “Manage” button next to the deposit card you wish to manage

Step 4 — Click on the “History” tab

Step 5 — Here you can review all your previous deposits.

Step 6 — You can copy the Transaction Hash or download a CSV file holding all of the history information

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