COTI’s Tech Roadmap For 2020

Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2020

COTI is a fully encompassing “finance on the blockchain” ecosystem that is designed specifically to meet the challenges of traditional finance (fees, latency, global inclusion and risk) by introducing a new type of DAG-based base protocol and infrastructure that is scalable, fast, private, inclusive, low cost and is optimized for real-time payments.

COTI is a working product that is already in use and generating revenue. Much has happened at COTI during the first quarter of 2020 with fruitful and very exciting developments in many different aspects including a few working products and the introduction of a new tier of decentralized nodes and Staking, which enables token holders to stake COTI and to earn rewards.

Main takeaways from what’s in plan for the rest of 2020:

  1. Dedicated effort to support Staking 2.0 and the increased staking volume, including DAG v2.0 to scale up the number of nodes and improved selection algorithms
  2. Leverage opportunities with high-risk merchants (i.e. Blockchain Dollars)
  3. Added support for other major assets and stable coins
  4. Added features for COTI’s wallet and a native iPhone/Android app for the wallet and COTI Pay, COTI’s consumer app
  5. pBFT — a huge endeavour to allow pBFT consensus on our network. The implementation of DSP BFT algorithm will include elements of decentralized government, reconfiguration, and node decentralized management.
  6. Launching GTS, COTI’s Global Trust System, for Bitcoin and Ethereum

Milestones achieved in Q1 2020

We have completed and launched the build of our MultiDAG, the first-ever DAG structure that allows token issuance on top of our DAG-based Trustchain protocol

  • We implemented ClusterStamp. With the ClusterStamp, older transactions are sent to the history nodes every set of intervals, and only the latest transactions are maintained by the whole network. This prevents the Cluster from growing to an unmanageable size. The ClusterStamp also provides a useful reference point for performing a system-wide audit to ensure that there are no inconsistencies or possible fraud.
  • We started to process Credit Card transactions on the COTI network. This is the culmination of over a year’s behind the scenes work to build out the technical infrastructure, banking networks, licenses and expansion of our payment network to support this functionality. This places COTI in a unique position in which we can capitalise on merchants in all industries and offer significant cost savings, without increasing overhead or processes.
  • We launched a multi asset COTI Pay wallet including:
    - COTI Pay
    - BTC Pay
    - adaPay
    - BEP2 Pay
  • We launched the first decentralized MainNet node on the COTI network and scaled up since then by launching additional decentralized Full nodes and community nodes.
  • We introduced the COTI Staking Platform V1 which produces great rewards for stakers.
  • We have launched the Alpha version of COTI’s GTS (Global Trust System)
  • We developed the COTI Pay Business CRM for merchants. Via the Merchant CRM they can choose to convert the transaction to a stable coin or directly to one of 35 fiat currencies by adding in their bank account details.
  • We introduced our new Explorer which brings greater transparency to our network and network operations.
  • We introduced two new merchants case studies: Blockchain Dollars and MyFirstWallet

Technological Roadmap for Q2/Q3/Q4 2020

Q2 2020

  • Introducing the Transaction Distribution Model
    The new model defines how the probabilistic of transactions are set within the network and introduces the metrics used and taken into account by the node manager to balance and set the fairness factors while choosing the full node that will process transactions and collect the fees. This is key to staking 2.0.
  • Staking Model 2.0 and exchange-based staking
    The new model will enable users to stake more coins, for longer periods of time, with a flexible staking structure — both through COTI’s wallet and from exchanges.
  • GTS for Bitcoin — production version
    Final interface for everyday use, which will allow analyzing BTC wallet addresses and classify them into risky and non-risky categories.
  • Additional cryptocurrencies to COTI Pay wallet
  • Launching “Blockchain Dollars”
    A wallet and payment system, dedicated to the gaming space, using FIAT and stable coins, that allows gaming merchants to accept stable coins as a form of payment based on a white-label version of COTI’s payment infrastructure.
  • Implementation of the MultiDAG in the COTI wallet
    The implementation will integrate all supported operations of multiDAG in the COTI native wallet which will show the total balances and tokens users have. In addition, add support for MultiDAG tokens also in the explorer as well as deploy the token issuers application which will allow anyone to deploy and mint his dedicated tokens over the COTI infrastructure.
  • DAG 2.0 base structure
    The implementation will improve the validation of transactions in the DAG structure as well as allow nodes to operate even when a missing transaction exists. The new mechanism will get all missing information from history nodes + financial nodes and ensure more efficient operation of full nodes in the network.
  • Improve nodes scalability and synchronization
    The implementation will improve the synchronization process of new nodes joining the network as well as synchronize the current clusterstamp and transactions to make sure all full nodes are operating properly.
  • MainNet wallet v.2
    Including bridge integration

Q3 2020

  • Launching COTI Pay consumer app
    An iPhone/Android app that is consumer oriented, that allows the storage of COTI’s coins, BTC, Stable coins and other assets
    - Serves as the basis for COTI DeFi and Prepaid card
  • Adding major stable coins to COTI Pay
  • GTS for Ethereum — beta
  • Presenting initial Consensus Protocol for DSP
    At the DSP-BFT stage we plan to implement one of PBFT-like consensus variants in full. This stage will include:
    - “View changes” or similar mechanism
    - Leader election
    - “Fast path” for processing most transactions

We are also considering using advanced signature schemes (Schnorr signatures, BLS signatures, etc).

  • COTI-X
    We delayed COTI-X from Q1 to Q3 as we are improving its model and building a fiat on/off-ramp system with APIs to various liquidity providers and exchanges (instead of a basic cryptocurrency exchange which is not really needed in the space now).

Q4 2020

  • COTI Pay virtual card
  • Deployment of Consensus (pBFT) in TestNet
    At this stage we plan to add non-transaction polls. It will be a “slow path” of voting because non-transaction (and not leader selection) polls are less urgent and should have less priority. This category of polls includes:
    - New Full node adoption
    - DSP-Nodes set reconfiguration
    - Possible some distributed government polls
  • Deployment of Consensus (pBFT) in MainNet
    At this stage, we will deploy the new pBFT consensus mechanism to MainNet.
  • COTI DeFi — COTI Pay business
    Gain interest and take loans

Stay COTI!

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COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer in Web3