Go to Could Be Worse (CbW)
Could Be Worse (CbW)
Droll takes on life and the world. Banal travel anecdotes and phony reviews of absurd non-existent books. A newsletter that helps you remember that it all ‘Could be Worse’.
Note from the editor

Droll takes on life and the world. Banal travel anecdotes and phony reviews of absurd non-existent books. A newsletter that helps you remember that it all ‘Could be Worse’.

Go to the profile of Tyagarajan Sundaresan
Tyagarajan Sundaresan
Writer @ https://tyagarajan.substack.com/. Have built and launched products. Ex- Agoda, Amazon, Flipkart. Currently on a sabbatical.
Go to the profile of Tyagarajan Sundaresan
Tyagarajan Sundaresan
Writer @ https://tyagarajan.substack.com/. Have built and launched products. Ex- Agoda, Amazon, Flipkart. Currently on a sabbatical.