Sharktopus vs WhaleWolf (2015) Review: I Went In Too Deep.

I Mixed The Red and Blue Pills.

Dylan Grable
Counter Arts


Image Source: IMDB

Alert: Spoilers and Irrelevant opinions ahead. Also, there is a chance of IQ loss.

We finally reach the end of the ‘Sharktopus’ trilogy with 2015’s ‘Sharktopus vs WhaleWolf’.

I am not going to lie when I say this, but I think this is the best of the three.

It doesn’t burn out like ‘Sharktopus’ or drag like ‘Sharktopus vs Pteracuda’.

Like, it’s somehow so crazy that it culminates in a stupor of stupidity and entertainment.

Let me explain.

A mad scientist accidentally creates WhaleWolf. So, it’s up to Sharktopus, Casper Van Dien, and accents that would make Saturday Night Live blush to stop it.

It’s the same as the last two films, but instead of a weapons factory, this scientist wants to create a, and I quote, “a master race”.

The same mad scientist uses a hammed up German accent. I half expected her to turn out to be a secret Nazi scientist, but no.

They do bring in Voodoo magic.

Yeah, Voodoo magic is real in this world.

I don’t know what’s more shocking, that or the fact that Sharktopus has a Twitter account.



Dylan Grable
Counter Arts

I’m just someone on the internet who likes to talk about horror films, shark movies, and whatever else comes to mind.