The Growing Art Movement of ‘Promptism’

…and why traditional artists should embrace the AI creation movement

Jeff Hayward
Counter Arts
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2022


Images by author using DALL-E AI

There is much speculation whether AI image generators such as DALL·E and Midjourney are actually creating art. If you aren’t yet familiar with these platforms, basically they turn your text descriptions of a scene into an image. My jaw has not stopped dropping since I started experimenting with the relatively new technology recently.

As someone who went to art school and has struggled to sell art in a saturated market, I can understand the skepticism about AI from professional artists. They’re the real artists, not people who type a few words and have pictures magically appear. Right?

Well, maybe. I have high respect for anyone who has pursued their passion of art, and is making a living from it. I sell the odd creation here and there, but if I were to rely on my visual art completely for income, I would have starved years ago.

I think I have some have very creative ideas, but execution is another story. AI helps to bridge the divide. Even as someone who has created and sold original art, I sometimes lack the patience and skill to bring a work to fruition the way I’m satisfied with. AI imaging can take an original concept and create something that would’ve taken me days or weeks to…



Jeff Hayward
Counter Arts

Ex-reporter. I like to write about stuff from the past, and stuff in the future.