Kusto Detective Agency 2022— Case #3 Badge

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency 2022, Case #3 Solution

Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug
3 min readDec 16, 2022


Do you want to be rich? Because this is time to help with BIG money💸

The third case riddle is:

The key takeaways from the riddle:

  1. The Bank is located at Ave 157, Street 148
  2. The Robbery Started at 2022–10–16 08:17
  3. The Robbery Ended at 2022–10–16 08:17
  4. The Police Came at 2022–10–16 08:40
  5. A large amount of money was robbed ~1,000,000$ cash
  6. There are three cars involved in the robbery


We can infer:

  1. The robbers have not escaped far away from the bank, because they had a large amount of money to take with them
  2. They kept hiding at the rendezvous point

So let’s delve into the data, by leveraging the | take 1, to see a single row.

The Traffic table has; Timestamp, VIN (plate ID), Ave and Street.

First, we shall want to find the cars that happened to be around the bank after the robbery ended and till the police have come, we shall utilize the distinct operator to make sure we capture each plate once.

Then, we shall want to find, amongst these suspicious cars which have rendevous point that includes three of them, here the arg_max aggregation function comes in handy:

We get two results:

Suspected as Robbers

We need concrete evidence to have a verdict!

Data and visualization speak louder than words, so let’s have a scatter chart to view the routes.

We shall use project-away to remove the Timestamp so we keep with the Street and Ave for each car.

Suspects “YBA8A026F7”, “UF81249983”, “QJ12E36D20”

That doesn't seem very convincing…

Let’s try the other group:

OK! here we go: we see that these cars met at the bank and then arrived to a rendezvous point

Suspects “XC2952A7FB”, “RI8E6C4294”, “CXDE148D63”

We have a verdict, the case is closed! 👩‍⚖👨‍⚖

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Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug

Senior Software Development Engineer 🖥️ Economist 📈 Beer Brewer 🍻 Photographer 📷 ~ “Curiosity is my drug”