Kusto Detective Agency Season 2 — Case #10 Badge

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency Season 2, Case #10 Solution

Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug


Cases Solutions: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The grand finale! 🌟

The tenth case riddle is:

The key takeaways from the riddle:

  1. We’re given a log of activities
  2. We’re asked to find information about the trojan KuandaListener


Note: Solution is mine, and non-official

Let’s delve into the data, by leveraging the | take 10, to see some rows.

The KuandaLogs table has; Timestamp, DetectiveId and Message.

We witness that the encryption tokens are spread around and invalidated sometimes

Let’s see if there are more interesting rows, by taking the first word:

OK, we see the send message which is interesting and completes the puzzle to find valuable information.

Let’s now take for each DetectiveId, the valid tokens and dekrypt!

Lucky us🍀KQL has both partition operator to split by detective, and the scan operator that helps us to gather only the valid token:

Most messages are not interesting, but a couple reveal a weakness:

TODO [BUGBUG]: Validate: bitset_count_ones(hash_many(‘kvc178c8b4935bed382529’, tostring($user_answer))) < 54! Leaving as-is for now, the chance it will actually happen is very low. (O boy, these non-AMD processors are literally melting down on invalid instruction sets!)

It’s time to leverage the weakness!

Let’s use our cluster id, to find the answer for us, and use the $user_answer as 2³¹-1 (this number is the largest value that a signed 32-bit integer field can hold) that would stretch the (non-AMD) processors to it’s limit! (as this function just counts ones in the binary representation)

We saved the day!

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Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug

Senior Software Development Engineer 🖥️ Economist 📈 Beer Brewer 🍻 Photographer 📷 ~ “Curiosity is my drug”