Angular 4 virtual scroll, markdown text editor, sticky data table headers, animations & more come to Covalent in 1.0.0-beta.7
Data Tables take center stage in Covalent 1.0.0-beta.4
Simple steps to prototype an chat application in Angular Material
Covalent 1.0.0-beta.3 has been released for immediate availability.
Our first beta! The Teradata UX team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Covalent…
With the final release in the alpha series, the Covalent Angular2 Material UI Platform is feature…
Huge data-table updates, search box component, pagination component, new expansion panel & stepper features, full scss theme support, and Angular 2.2 + Angular-Material alpha.10 updates.
Just in time for the stable release of Angular 2.0, Covalent has received a massive update! Covalent is Teradata’s Open-Source Angular 2.0 Material Design UI Platform.