Beta testing in full speed. Release notes. Q&A session!

Covesting Blog
Published in
7 min readApr 18, 2018

We are only halfway to the end of our Beta testing, but the process turned out so fruitful and productive that we cannot help sharing interim results with you!

We are very much delighted that we managed to launch the Beta testing as early as that, it gave us lots of very useful ideas about how to improve our product, eliminate any weak spots and make it simply impeccable! We have received over 750 feedback reports and we are really impressed by the stamina and inquisitiveness of our Beta testers, thank you for helping us on our way to the top!

Our team is working very hard to timely deal with all the bugs, we have achieved considerable progress in increasing our development speed. With the help of 200+ Beta testers, we have already eliminated most of the bugs and have become considerably closer to building a rock-solid crypto trading platform (no bugs =no hacks=happier users).

Release notes of Beta 1.0

Check out this list of bugs that we managed to fix and features we managed to add during these two weeks:


• Time-stamps in trading chat
• Loading status for the profile picture
• Warning about max characters in the chat
• Email notification for a successful password reset
• New indicator in the order form to show if the minimum order amount is imposed by the external exchange
• Validation for social media fields on public profiles
• Full names of cryptocurrencies to the Portfolio
• Localization framework
• Display of the BTC/USD rate to the browser window title
• Share of an asset in the portfolio (in percentages) to the allocation module in Dashboard
• Loader icon to the Orders table in Exchange, when an order is cancelled
• New timeframes (4 hour, 1 week) to the chart in Exchange
• Modifications to ensure a stable reloading of PnL
• Security enhancements
• Traders list: Public traders are now ranked by their Returns by default
• Traders list: ‘Registered For’ period is now counted starting from the date when Return tracking started
• Traders list: Mini charts on the list of traders are shown in the following way:
- If returns have been tracked for less than an hour, one minute timeframe is used for the chart;
- If returns have been tracked for up to 24 hours — one hour timeframe is used;
- If it’s more than 24 hours — one day timeframe is used
• Order Form: for Buy Market Orders, some margin (%) is added to Total to be taken by a partner exchange in case the order is forwarded to the partner exchange. This margin is a cushion to prevent negative balance if the order was executed at a worse market price on the partner exchange. If the order is executed at a better price, all unused funds are returned back to the available balance
• Security updates and improvements


• Processing of partially filled orders
• Uploading of profile picture in Dashboard and Settings
• Withdrawal and transfer of a negative value
• Message for blank tabs in Transaction History
• Return of funds after execution or cancellation of an order
• Execution of limit orders
• PnL% Calculation
• Transfer of COV from Wallet to Portfolio and vice versa
• Transfer of USD from Wallet to Portfolio and vice versa
• Unavailability of login button on the sign in page
• Social media links issue — replaced with usernames
• Issue with resetting to the default trading pair instead of previously chosen pair after Exchange is reloaded
• Description of character limitations in the Strategy field
• Rounding of values during Quick Transfer
• Size of pop-up windows and hit boxes — made them bigger
• Red border indicating error in order form that appeared for correct values as well
• Error that occurred during an update of a profile picture. It’s now updated immediately after the upload
• Error that occurred to PnL display (sometimes it was shown as -100%)
• Error that occurred during the addition of attachments in Report a Bug form
• Errors that occurred during the transfer of funds from the wallet to portfolio and back
• Display of mini PnL charts in Traders
• Spacing between Symbol and Buy/Sell columns in Orders and Orders History tables in Exchange. Now even if you access platform from a device with a small screen, numbers in these columns do not overlap
• Limit orders that could not be cancelled in Active orders table in Exchange have been closed
• Text on strategy description screen of a public trader profile changed to “No comments are available on this strategy” in case there are no comments yet
• Selected pair quotes not being displayed in the top sections of the screen upon login: now the selected quotes are displayed without the need to reload page
• The Funds section: upon transferring funds from Wallet to Portfolio, the transfer is immediately shown in the Transaction History table, no need to reload the page
• Order Form: Amount and Price fields are now cleared from previously entered values when you change trading pair in Exchange
• Dashboard: order of currencies in Allocation now correlates with Portfolio/Trading account table
• Errors in trading instrument names

Hard reset = Soft operations

As you see, we have fixed a very large amount of bugs and issues, so we will have to conduct a hard reset to make sure the platform is running smoothly. All the data on trading performance will be reset, but DO NOT WORRY, we will record all the info on your trading performance, and after the restart, we will deposit as much ETH on your account as you would have before the hard reset.

Security Audits

As you already know we comply with very strict safety standards. Our platform features a cold storage and multi-cluster system architecture, full data encryption and anti-DDoS protection. We have hired several independent white-hat hacking teams as well as three firms providing professional security audit services. Penetration tests will be performed on a regular basis. Security remains a top priority for all of us and we invest hugely in a safe and sound infrastructure. In addition, we are going to launch a hacking bounty campaign soon with generous rewards for the ones who spot severe vulnerabilities. All these efforts will help us become one of the safest platforms on the market.

Right now at Covesting’s office…

Our office is buzzing with activity. Part of the development team has teamed up with the front office/support team to eliminate all inefficiencies and improve user experience. Internal workflows and communication have proven to be extremely efficient.
Another group of development team members is in charge of technological progress: they are rolling out new features, new security measures, developing an advanced matching engine, dealing with internal settlements for copy-trading and improve liquidity aggregation features.
We just can’t stop improving and growing bigger and stronger every day!

Coming soon!

We are very delighted that the current version of our platform has improved so much, but you all know that the cryptocurrency industry is developing at the speed of light. Besides, we are not the kind to rest on our laurels. So we are already preparing the necessary infrastructure for new product offerings. Feeling intrigued? Well, be patient, we will soon announce what they are, but until then we will keep them secret so that our junior competitors cannot replicate our initiatives.

You can still win $2,000 in COV!

We would also like to remind you that our hunt for bugs is two weeks away from its grand finale! We have several frontrunners, but you have two more weeks to report all the bugs you can find and compete for the chance to win our awesome prize — $2,000 in COV. Important dates:

April 30 — the end of Phase 1 of the Beta testing.

Time of glory for our winners! We will award the most active Beta tester with 2,000$ in COV, while the top 10 active Beta testers will be allowed to withdraw all their funds from the account.

First week of May — we will announce Phase 2 of the Beta testing. A new chance to show the community you are a superb trader and active community member as well as a new chance to win an award! Rules will be announced later.

Q&A — May 1 — 15:00 GMT

Dear community,
We would like to once again tell you that we are really thankful for your support, loyalty, determination, and perfectionism. You deserve the best crypto trading platform ever, and we are working very hard to match and even exceed your expectations!

We are holding another Q&A session on May 1, you are most welcome to participate and ask anything you are interested in about our platform and Beta testing.

Stay tuned for more updates and don’t forget to check out Crypto Intelligence Portal for the freshest trading ideas!

D.P. & Covesting team



Covesting Blog

Licensed distributed ledger technology services provider.