Unlive — COVID19 Lock-down Day 39

2020, When wheel stopped (or slowed down)

Pradeep Miriyala
3 min readMay 2, 2020


Note: This is part of a series of articles I’ve been writing while India is under nationwide lock-down to fight with COVID19 virus. Some are in a form of diary just recording events, some are in form of general thoughts. Today is Day 39.

Week 1 [Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7]
Week 2 [
Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14]
Week 3 [
Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18, Day 19, Day 20, Day 21]
Week 4 [
Day 22, Day 23, Day 24, Day 25, Day 26, Day 27, Day 28]
Week 5 [
Day 29, Day 30, Day 31, Day 32, Day 33, Day 34, Day 35]
Week 6 [
Day 36, Day 37, Day 38]


I’ve already discussed the concept of death once on Day 27. This article is not about the literal definition of “Unlive” but about those moments we want to remove from lives i.e., “Unlive the moment”.

When things go our way, we want to seal those memories forever (I mean the human lifetime). We want to “relive” the past best moments of life. These can be things like winning a medal, winning a heart, getting a first kiss, doing adventure and so on and on…

But what about the memories we want to shut forever? Are there any memories that were wished to be “Unlived” because there is too much pain, hurt, humiliation, embarrassment etc.,?

When there are too many “Unliving moments”, it naturally adds stress and trauma. These moments we want to “Unlive” could be ranging from a humiliation, losing something important in life due to own negligence, failing to reach certain goals and so on…

As I learnt the hard-way, shutting doors on “moments we want to Unlive” is like killing stars and creating black-holes in memory. When we shut doors on one moment, everything that is leading to it starts losing it’s importance. The path to “moments we want to Unlive” also becomes negative and thus generating more and more pain.

These paths may span couple of days to couple of years based on the “Unliving moment”. When we think about it, the one “Unliving moment” is suddenly worth more than a moment and will kill many past moments and memories and probably will also kill present and future moments.

So, what should we do? Accept the “Unliving moment” and move on. The acceptance might take days, months, years. But with every moment in path of “acceptance” we become more stronger.

It is not an easy path, remember every “Unliving moment” just like a “Reliving moment”, because both are constant remainders of failures and success of life. These are not remainders of someone else’s lives. These are remainders of our own life. If we hate “Unliving moment” of our own life, we start hating life and purpose of life is gone.

What if, these “Unliving moment” is created by someone else. That means, somebody’s stupidity, arrogance etc., have just caused misery of someone else’s life. Do not just accept, Seek justice. If forgiving is an option, forgive on your own consciousness. But never forget, be stronger than that “Unliving moment”.


For many reasons, this lock-down is long “Unliving moment” for many. When new decade started with 2020, everyone wished this decade will witness greatest development of human race.

On a bright side, this lock-down has proved relevance of many technologies. But on a dark side, this lock-down also proved how centralized development is going to be fatal in disaster situations.

The number of people effected are increasing every day and there is no sign of relief as affordable cure is still months away. Even if a vaccine was made, to make it available and affordable for everyone on globe will be process of years (definitely not months).

So, ensure this lock-down doesn’t go down your memory lane as “Unliving moment”. (I’m not obviously referring to put it on “Reliving moments”). Help anyone in need to extent possible.

Stay safe…
Stay stronger…
Stay vigilant…
Relive the best moments….
Win over Unliving moments….



Pradeep Miriyala

Engineer by profession, Programmer by interest, Poet/Writer by hobby. Poetry blog: http://pradeepblog.miriyala.in