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CPR Select
CPR Select is the leading online CPR and First Aid certification and re-certification provider in the United States and Internationally. All courses provided by CPR Select are based on 2010 American Heart Association guidelines and follows recommended guidelines from the followin
Note from the editor

CPR Select is the leading online CPR and First Aid certification and re-certification provider in the United States and Internationally. All courses provided by CPR Select are based on 2010 American Heart Association guidelines. Visit http://www.mycprcertificationonline.com/.

Go to the profile of Bruse Rockwell
Bruse Rockwell
Trainer of CPR Safety Services teaching how to save lives. Courses approved by AHA. Helps healthcare professionals in CPR and First Aid Certification & Renewal.
Go to the profile of Bruse Rockwell
Bruse Rockwell
Trainer of CPR Safety Services teaching how to save lives. Courses approved by AHA. Helps healthcare professionals in CPR and First Aid Certification & Renewal.