Craft Network — Alpha testing opening soon!

Craft Network
3 min readApr 5, 2021


Upon completion of creating your NFT, there’s a link to get to your profile page. You can also access the link at any time at the top right, by clicking your avatar.

On your profile page, you will see your collectibles, be it your creation or purchased from the marketplace.

You can also edit your profile information such as user name, avatar, social links and more on the settings page.

Want to show off your collection to friends and community? No problem! Just click on the 3-dotted settings button on the far right of your profile background, copy the profile URL and share as you wish!


Craft marketplace combines all listings in one central location. A variety of sorting features are provided to allow easy navigation, you can search for collectibles from your favorite creators, collections, or popular collectibles etc.


A quick preview of each collectible is displayed in a card format in the marketplace. Hover on the card to reveal its collection, creator, and current owners. You can also favorite the item and quick access later.

Clicking on the item to enter its detail page, in the page you’ll find detailed information such as number of total copies for the collectible, owners, transaction histories and more. You can choose to Buy now, which you pay the full asking price by the seller. You can also make an offer to negotiate (currently disabled in the demo), and the seller can decide to accept the bid or not.

Royalties are attached to each item by the creator, this can range from 0% up to 35%. Royalties are deducted from the sale price (ie. seller pays the royalty fee to the creator). A platform service fee of 2%, on top of sale price, is charged to the buyer upon purchase. If all look good, click Buy now to proceed (you will be prompted to sign the transaction within ICONex).

And voila! Congratulations, you are now the owner of this collectible!


During the crafting process, if you toggled the option “List for Sale”, your creation will automatically be listed in the marketplace. If the item was created without listing, you may visit your profile page, at the bottom of each card, you can access list/delist page

You can then set the number of copies and the price of each collectible you wish you sell.


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