Using ai to build and test Ethereum Smart Contracts for ICO / Token Events

Ryan Hickman
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2017
Building Smart Contract Using Ai

2017 has been coined year of the blockchain — more specifically ICO’s and Token Generation Events. With over $3 billion raised to support these events its no question their popularity is growing into a transformative way to support new ideas, help capitalize new startups and fund innovation. What powers these token events are smart contracts. Fundamentally a smart contract is a program that directly controls the transfer of digital assets between parties when certain conditions are met. Depending on features, smart contracts can often become increasingly difficult to create and with one small error make ways for hackers to take advantage.

At Crane we use artificial intelligence to build software and we’ve recently trained our Ai to build smart contracts.

Rapidly building Ethereum Smart Contracts using Ai

Launching a contract

Creating Ethereum smart contracts is considerably more like hardware development than software development. In software development you move fast and try to get as much done as possible and often there are bugs and issues that are fixed overtime. Compared to hardware you have to be very accurate before you release because one small bug can be devastating to your application. Bugs in a smart contract could cost people lots of money be it’s missing, unaccessible or stolen by hackers.

Create an account on Crane today, Crane is Free to get started and easy to use. Start a new project and simply tell Elly (Crane’s project management intelligence assistant) you want to make a smart contract to begin the process. Crane can produce both ERC-20 and ERC-223 contracts along with features including things such as:

  • Tiered crowdsale (includes presale)
  • Timer to trigger events
  • Escrow management
  • Vault
  • Messaging capabilities
  • Storage capabilities
  • Proofs
  • Automated contract tests
  • Automated security tests for the contract
  • GitHub repository containing the contract, test suite and instructions

How we trained the Ai to engineer smart contracts

Our engineering team took the best smart contracts along with the code snippets of the biggest and most common exploits to date and created a reference document which we trained our Ai to implement.

Training Ai to build software

Following that we expanded our knowledge on new terminology such as smart contract, solidity and EVM resulting in a comprehensive understanding of the space.

Crane AI Knowledge Graph for software development


We’re always looking for ways to improve the software development experience using ai. Crane can help you speed the development of native mobile apps, servers, dApps and more. If you are interested contact me Ryan Hickman. #epic



Ryan Hickman

Passionately focused on building and investing in Artificial Intelligence and the Blockchain