CAPSULE | READS: What We Owe the Future

Daisy Warren
Create Rutina
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2023


Key takeaways on: Paradoxes, Plasticity & Priorities.

ON PARADOXES: We must live with paradoxes — over time the forces of evolution would dictate how the future goes.

ON PLASTICITY: The model views that shape society is like molten glass that can be blown into many different shapes.

ON PRIORITIES: To decide on which issues to solve, consider their importance, analyze how neglected it is then create metrics to measure impact.

We must live with paradoxes — if we wish to avoid paradoxes, an entire laissez faire approach would not be possible. Over time the forces of evolution would dictate how the future goes.

We are living through a period of plasticity — the model views that shape society is like molten glass…but the glass is cooling.

Theoretical Concept to Ponder

Long term-ism
> the concept that questions how we should prepare for long term future

3 Lessons to guide / influence long term-ism

  1. Take good action
  2. Try to increase the number of options open to us
  3. Try to learn more

Priorities to focus on

  • decide which problem to work on
    > close to heart?
    > high-impact actions?
    > values?
    > end of civilization?
    > clean-tech innovation?
  • consider the issue’s importance
    > trackability (creating metrics)
    > neglectfulness (if you work on more neglected problems, you can make more impact)

How to act

  • learn
  • build options
  • do good

Introducing Reads as a capsule in the Learn Segment. Each week for the remainder of the year, we’ll be extracting key takeaways and notes from 26 books read in 26 weeks as a practice to nourish learning. Join us in the (re)wiring!

