
Takin Kroop
Creating nice things.
4 min readJan 19, 2015


Let’s start this blog by introducing ourselves. We are two likeminded people called Preben and Takin. We both went to Oslo School of Management, and met there.

I, Takin — have been blogging and trying to build a presence in the social marketing business here in Norway. With a active blog, talks at seminars and conferences, I have been able to do so. Preben is the do’er of us two. That was confirmed last week.

I have a mailing list I talk with now and then — and decided to share a story of how I felt right before an interview I had in Dublin. I pushed it out, with no expectations at all. A few minutes later, Preben replied. He was really inspired by my email and wanted to meet up. Little did I know I was going to feel a hell of a lot more guilty of not doing stuff.

We met up at the office of my current workplace. A bottle of fizzing water and beanbags for chairs led to Preben telling me he had big plans for the coming year. Now, I can’t say what he’s going to do — I’m sure you’ll know by then! He was going to start creating stuff.

So, sitting on the train, heading back home the day after, my mind went racing. Why the hell not? If he can, I can. So I called him up. Lets create something together. Lets see if we can find an issue in our lives and solve it. If we’re having that issue, there are others that do too.

So here we are. We started yesterday, and already have a design and layout. The core functionality of our product is done. And I think we both agree on the features. At least I hope so.

I think we’re going to build it with Node.js.

So, who is this cat we’re talking about? Tikken the kitten has been Prebens companion for a while. Although the companionship is one-sided, Preben does love the little bastard! But as cute as Tikken the kitten is, she is really judemental. If she doesn’t get her food on time, or get to go out as often as she wants — she’ll start destroying things. That’s why Preben hasn’t got any nice things in his apartement.

Tikken judging me as I make design-suggestions to Preben.

We landed on the name “Do-done”. Where the “Do” stands for the tasks you set for yourself, and the “-” is a symbol of the painful way of getting to “done”. will be a free service which helps you organize your day into two lists: “Need-to-do’s” and “Nice-to-do’s”. The “Need-to-do’s” has to be done within 24 hours — or else they’ll be deleted. Or… Tikken the kitten will eat them. Don’t be fooled by it’s shiny blue eyes or decieving looks. Tikken will destroy you. She will subscribe you to multiple torrenting sites, and share your internet search history with your mother. So, you better make sure you complete your tasks.

First we want you to define a milestone. Your leading star. To reach that star, you have to complete several sub-stones. To get through each sub-stone, you’re free to assign yourself need-to-do's and nice-to-do’s. It’s up to you to say when you’ve reached the sub-stones. But tread carefully. Within each sub-stone is a set of to-do’s you assign to yourself. If you don’t complete a set to-do within 24 hours, it’s gone. And if you don’t complete any to-do’s in a day — Tikken the kitten will delete a random nice-to-do.

The sketches for how things is going to be set up. The lazy-button puts the list on pause, so you can defend yourself from Tikken the kitten destroying your tasks.

We also need to figure out how we can turn this into a minimal viable product. I know I want the initial plan when you register to be free — but we could make money out of it, to build other brilliant tools later. But in the same time, I want to play nice. I’m doing this to solve my own pains first, then to learn and test stuff, and the. — make money. But it has to be cheap. We’re nice-guys, remember?

Signing out for now
- Takin



Takin Kroop
Creating nice things.

Marketing Designer - @fanbooster | Passionate about Facebook marketing, and creative marketing campaigns | Download How To Facebook here: