It has been quite a while since the football World Cup took place last year in Russia. France won the world cup…
Some impressions from a conference at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Impressions from a research visitor’s month in Glasgow
This May I had the opportunity to visit CREATe, the center for copyright and new business models in the creative economy, as a research visitor thanks to the Organized…
Are there unique things in the world? Objects with just one of its kind existing? Phenomenologically one could of course argue that everything might be unique in some sense. Thinking of mothers articulating the uniqueness of their highly ununique children over and over supports this…
Aufarbeitung eines Urteils des LG Münchens; LG München — 33 O 15792/16
von Konstantin Hondros und Georg Fischer
>Creativity across Borders< is probably an elegant way of stating one is (as a researcher, blogger…
About an Innovation Evangelist’s daily drive to work.
(Seemingly about creativity, there is surely enough space on this blog to talk a bit about innovation — though this might blur an already far to blurry border even more.)
Fortunately it is never too late to come up with a blog entry about an event quite some time ago — especially when it revives good memories. Georg Fischer’s (TU Berlin, Graduiertenkolleg “Innovation Society Today”) and Hannes Liechti’s (University of…