January Highlights From Medium’s Newest Writers

Fresh voices from every corner of the platform

Michelle Woo
Creators Hub
3 min readJan 7, 2022


Photo: Isabel Pavia/Getty Images

One of the most exciting things about Medium is discovering new voices—folks whose words make you laugh, think, or feel less alone. Every month, we’re highlighting a few stories by writers who’ve hit the publish button for the first time. In this roundup: an adolescent challenges a world that “seeks to destroy teenageness,” a septuagenarian muses on hiking solo in the wild, and a mother of young children grapples with her decisions about her career. Check them out:

Where to put your energy when everything sucks” by Scott Smith

What an era we are living in! An era of boiling, impotent rage from within the unending doom of the world’s worst group project.

Like most group projects, you do not get an “A” if a couple of people don’t complete their part of the assignment. At best, you’re getting a “C.” (If Steve had just finished the goddamn poster, it would have been a “B,” but Steve sucks.)

“Ode to teenhood” by Olivia Fendrich

I want to be so teenage that it shines out of my face and guides me to others of my kind. I want to paint my nails every color of the rainbow and cut my hair in the middle of the night and make out with my friends just for the hell of it.

“7 Lessons I Learned From The Rain” by Christina Lyon

When drought dries up a friendship, it isn’t out of disinterest, but negligence. All it takes is a water spout directed at someone in the form of a phone call, a text message, or, dare I say, a hand-written letter to rekindle the bond.

Watering that seed might restimulate growth in relationships we hadn’t anticipated, giving life to friendships we’d thought long-passed or forgotten.

“Why I Solo Hike the Wild Places at 70” by Kris Cochran

In the last years of my husband’s life, when his hiking days were over, I packed the Jeep with his medications, feeding tube supplies, and oxygen. We drove down scenic byways, up Forest Service roads, and across game trails far enough to see wild horses run along a ridgeline. Far enough to stand in a sea of mountain tops. Far enough to ask for one more day.

“A better way to manage email” by Serban Constantinescu

I find the Default email view (Primary|Social|Promotions|…) hazy.

No matter how much time I spend scanning email, there is always the one that gets lost — I either do not see it in the first place or I forget the mental note and never get back to it.

The first step is to create a focused view so that you don’t lose sight of important emails.

“Tug of War” by Mackenzie Eddie

Millennial Mom can be compared to one of those hypoallergenic dogs, let’s say, a Golden Doodle. Some days she feels the urge to nurture and play like a loyal Golden Retriever and other days she just wants to look pretty and impress everyone with her intelligence, like a prize winning Poodle. And some days, having to choose which one to be makes her feel like just a downright bitch.

Give them a read and follow! If you’re publishing your first post on Medium, add the tag Hello World and it may be included in a future roundup. For more resources, advice, and inspiration for writing on Medium, check out the Medium Writers Starter Pack. And as always, thanks for being here and sharing your stories.



Michelle Woo
Creators Hub

Author of Horizontal Parenting: How to Entertain Your Kid While Lying Down (Chronicle Books)