Why We Write Online

Highlights from our February open thread

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Print media is all well and good — no really, we still love it — but there’s something uniquely satisfying about publishing your work online. You can throw some thoughts into a post, publish it, and get readers and feedback right away. How satisfying, right? But of course, it can also be a little scary (hello, trolls; hello, vulnerability). So why do we do this crazy thing?

A few weeks ago, we asked you: “Why do you write online?” One hundred of you chimed in. Here are just a few (for the full list of responses, we highly recommend browsing the original thread). Check out these creators, and maybe give them a follow if you like their work! And if you have something to share, please add it the original thread. We’re always happy to hear from you.

Amy Shearn and the Creator Support Team @Medium

Reading led to writing

I found Medium when I was searching for some solutions to a tech problem that were poorly covered in the usual forums. Having then seen that people write in reasonable detail here, I thought I would try myself and see if it is easier to get readers and engagement. I’m interested in writing on a diverse range of topics so a very focused publication is not really suited to my articles.—Engineer Dave Park

The dopamine kick

I love the dopamine kick when I hit publish — without waiting for an answer, asking my boss such as in the corporate world…For the first time, it’s all about me. My personal brand. People fall in love with my writing and my personality. That’s a huge motivation boost. — Writer and marketer Kristina God

New writing muscles

I’m usually working on middle grade novels but writing online brought out many stories and poems that I didn’t know I had inside me. It’s helped me to grow as a writer, and I enjoy the connections I can make with other writers and vice versa. — Middle-grade novelist Giulietta Passarelli

No gatekeepers

Imagine being able to publish your own articles with the press of a button?? wow! — Self-improvement enthusiast Cypriano Mokobia

A bigger world

I started to write online like for ten years since college, first wrote fan fiction then loads of other things. I wrote online because it can be edited for millions times before publishing. I can share my own words and own voice freely, and to global. The world in HK is far too small.— Digital marketer and project manager Sora Wong

A beautiful publishing template

I think I find comfort in writing online because it’s the fastest way to create something that looks *polished*. Because when you write on paper it all looks so frantic and resembles too closely what goes on in your head which is often just a big ball of blah and all the ruminating just turns into scribbles and typos and run-on sentences that run so long they might as well circumnavigate the world like this one

But when you type, when you write online, all that mess in your head become legible — give into your delusions and it might even seem… profound. Introspective. *Artistic*. Like you’re on your way somewhere, as opposed to just going around in circles (even if it really is just that).

I mean, with such a simple interface as Medium, it’s so easy to make a post pretty. Because sometimes (oftentimes?) the words aren’t as pretty as you ambitiously imagined and hoped them to be. But you’ve got nice Unsplash photos! And white space! And a clean format! You can, at the very least, give yourself that. :D — Content marketer and writer Ria Tagulinao

Built-in community

I’m writing to find my way through a time of transition with the hope of making a positive contribution. I write on Medium because it’s a well-known platform that’s easy to use and has an engaged and supportive community of talented writers. — Physical therapist and meditation teacher Jen Wilking

Serious conversations

It’s my way to liberate myself. I have all these thoughts and ideas cramming and growing inside my head. But most of the time, I don’t have people to talk to. Don’t get me wrong… I do have friends 😅 But they are often reluctant to chat or discuss such a heavy topic. So instead of letting them swirl around inside my head and stressing me out, I decided to pour it all here in Medium. Besides, I think it can reach a larger audience and could start up a discussion in the responses. — Front end developer Ferdinand Chandra

Working through challenges

I found out I had dyslexia, it was on my bucket list to get something published. Reading stories for my career transition I was drawn towards how much advice was out there. Now found a new love for writing and the community. — UX designer Angel Takooree

Connecting directly with readers

My first published work was in print newspapers and magazines. I’d never know who read what I wrote. I can’t remember the key driver for my first online blog but I was writing about health — and probably aiming to educate and motivate. I enjoyed having control over the process — even if there was no pay to be had. — Writer PlainTalkBadManners

Social justice

I write to educate about politics and race empowering others to bring change. — Racial justice journalist Arturo Dominguez

A side hustle

I found Medium when i was researching side hustles and that intrigued me to start writing again. During my career, I wrote software documentation and training documents so I did write in a way. But now I can write to express myself, help others, etc. And last, to earn a few dollars to add to Social Security. — Software developer AP Carpen

Sharing research

I wanted to share stories on science research in Africa. I want people to know what we are doing and what life is like for us. Putting it online (here on Medium) will help me reach a wider audience. — Science researcher Ruth Torty


One reason for me is catharsis, the opening up of the ridiculousness of software engineering that nobody talks openly about but we all experience in the grand game. It’s nice to know you’re not alone with your compiler (sorry Python people)…Oh, and to leave something behind when I’m gone. — Software and science writer Dr Stuart Woolley


I’m here because I realized this is a community of people — there are readers, but a ton of us are writers, writing together!

I wanted to engage with other people — real live (digital?) people! I missed them :) — Mindfulness writer Dawn :)

Getting started as a journalist

The pandemic made me watch the news a whole lot more. Then I decided to take a journalism course through edX, some of my fellow classmates had medium blogs which is how I found out about the site. Eventually I got the courage to start writing and exploring this new passion of mine. I like writing about political issues mostly, medium offers so much flexibility and I’ve met some other wonderful writers here as well. — Political science student Maddisson CZ

The ability to edit

No question: the possibility of editing and improving always my texts and sharing them with the world. — Professor Francisco J. Pérez-Latre

The font (and maybe a little more)

The font. I started writing on Medium because I really loved the font. The font is clean. I Googled, ‘What font does Medium Use on their website?’ I like the way it looks, but I love my words even more. Here I was newly single after ending a long term relationship with the father of my two boys. I never thought I’d be in this predicament of resetting and being single, heartbroken, but optimistic so I just start writing, and then there was you. — Mom and writer Starlet Reid

