Why Do You Write Online?

Medium Creators
Creators Hub
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2022


Photo Illustration: Save As/Medium. Source: Getty Images.

So… come here often? To Medium, that is. And if so, what brought you here?

Some of us are old enough to remember when publishing one’s writing online felt new and strange. (LiveJournal anyone?) Now it almost feels stranger not to write online. (No blog or social media presence? What are you, a Franzen?)

Sure, we can can all agree that handwritten journals and notebooks are great for the creative process, and there’s nothing like that occasional print publication. But if you’re here, we’re willing to bet there’s something about writing online you find uniquely satisfying. Is it the instant gratification of being able to share something right away? The ability to keep editing your posts when you finally see that typo after rereading your own essay eleventy-billion times? What made you first want to write online, and what makes you want to write on Medium?

Share your stories in the responses! Or you can write them down on paper and mail them in. But responses would be easier, just saying.

Amy Shearn and the Creator Support Team @Medium

