Share Your About Page, We’ll Give You Feedback (Updated)

Friendly input from Creators Hub on your About page and bio

Medium Creators
Creators Hub


Photo: Javier Zayas Photography / Getty Images

Update: Thank you for participating! As of 5:20 PM EST on 5/12/22, we have reached our capacity for today’s session. If Amy or Harris clapped on your response, we’re working on your feedback and you’ll see it soon.

Please keep an eye on Creators Hub for another chance to get feedback in the future. We encourage you to offer supportive feedback on each other’s profiles in the comments. And consider reading the feedback we’ve shared in the responses — we think you’ll find advice that’s relevant to you, too.

Although most questions about posting on Medium are answered in Medium’s useful and comprehensive Help Center, creators frequently ask us for personalized feedback, so we’re going to do just that. Today we will be taking a look specifically at your About page and bio.

As we’ve mentioned before, a clear, informative, inviting About page signals to your readers that you are a trustworthy writer whose work they should pay attention to. If you would like our feedback on your About page and bio, share a link to your Medium profile in the comments of this post. We’ll take a look and briefly respond with some editorial input, with an eye toward helping you to make your Medium profile stand out and speak to more readers.

The “we” here is Harris Sockel and Amy Shearn. We work on Medium’s Creator Support team and are editors of this publication, Creators Hub. Harris is a seasoned writer of personal essays, a longtime editor of Medium’s beloved publication Human Parts, and the brains behind Medium’s popular Creator Workshops. Amy also works on Human Parts and Creator Workshops, has worked as an editor at many publications, has taught writing classes, done manuscript consultations for many venues including NYU, and is an essayist and novelist.

We’ll respond to the first 30 that are submitted in the responses, and we will edit this post to let you know when we can’t accept any more submissions. (NOTE: As noted above, as of 5:20 PM EST on 5/12/22, we have reached our capacity for today’s session.) Last time we did something like this we had an overwhelming number of submissions — we can’t respond to everyone, but that’s where you come in. We encourage you to offer supportive feedback on each other’s profiles in the comments. Our goal here is to create a community where we can all help each other grow.

Oh, and please don’t submit if you got feedback from us last time. Of course we adore you all, but we want to be able to talk to as many creators as possible.

Some general advice for improving your Medium profile can be found here:

