Who Owes You An Apology? | Write Here Week 3

Creative prompts plus some tips for successfully writing on Medium

Jolie A. Doggett
Creators Hub


Hi writers! I’m so happy to see all of the responses to the Write Here prompts but I want to make sure you’re getting more than just creative ideas. I’ve got some tips for you all to incorporate into your stories this week that will hopefully help your writing leap off the page (or screen) and into a reader’s memory.

There are three tools for success when writing on Medium: tags, pictures, and headlines. Here are some best practices that I suggest:


Again, so happy to see so many of you using the “Writehere” tag on your responses. But it’s not the only tag you should be using. Tags help readers find your content when they’re searching for stories about a particular subject. I suggest keeping your tags broad unless you’re referring to a specific person or event. Consider some of these tags for this week’s prompts if they’re applicable: Tech, Music, Books, Culture, Celebrity, Entertainment, Politics.


So many of you used an American flag in your essays about freedom and this is actually a good thing! It helps signal to readers scrolling through the internet what your story might be about. The headline tells them what the story is actually about (more on that later) but a picture is worth a thousand words and is the first thing people see. Try using eye-catching images in your essays, poems or lists that are related to what your story is about. You’ll definitely capture some attention.


The title of your story is the first thing readers will read before they click so you want to make sure it’s attention grabbing. Be specific! Vague headlines will get scrolled right on by. Tell your readers what you’re writing about (without telling them too much). For example, “My Summer in Paris” is not as strong or intriguing as “Stupid Girl Summer: What Not to Do When You Go to Paris” (an actual headline from Vidhipssa Mohan’s Write Here story from Week 1). Also, the prompts can certainly get your headline started but they shouldn’t be the whole title.

Hope this helped! Let’s get cracking with this week’s creative ideas.

Photo credit: Getty Images


Who owes you an apology?

Is there someone in your life who needs to beg for your forgiveness? Have you been personally victimized by Regina George (or another fictional character)? Is there a news story that really pissed you off this week? Do you need to apologize to yourself about a past mistake? Let it all out and tag “Writehere.”

Is there a piece of technology that’s changed your life?

Have you met up with a long-lost loved one over social media? Have you gone viral for something you’re embarrassed about? What’s your earliest memory of using technology: Myspace, beeper… 8-track?! What do you think life would be like without the internet? Let’s talk tech and tag “Writehere” in your essays.

What’s your motto?

Nothing, what’s the motto with you?! Sorry… Seriously, is there a phrase or maxim you live by? Is there a sentence that perfectly describes who you are at the core or a life lesson from a loved one that you hold dear? How about a song lyric or book quote that has had a profound impact on you? Tell us about the mantra that gets you through the day and tag “Write Here.”


Email senior editor Jolie A. Doggett at jdoggett@medium.com. Check back here next Monday for new prompts and tips.


Check out previous prompts and #WriteHere rules:



Jolie A. Doggett
Creators Hub

writer | editor | reader | podcaster | people person | (i used to work here ☺️)