Cats Are Killing My Productivity

Where is the self-help for that?

Harley Jane
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2021


orange cat paw on computer keyboard
Photo by Александар Цветановић from Pexels

The demise of my productivity starts around 4:00am most days. This is when the Queen is hungry. So she politely finds something to scratch her claws on — and with two extra toes on each paw, she has a 40% advantage over her competitors in this category.

If this attempt at dragging me out of bed fails, it’s time to bang on the closet door. This makes an incredibly irritating rattle that you can’t ignore.

I try to avoid this middle-of-the-night charade by leaving food out the night before. But nooo — she prefers to be carried and placed delicately in front of her feast.

After all, she is the Queen.

Now I am awake and can’t get back to sleep, so I often end up watching YouTube videos or something else to pass the time.

I fall back into a slumber about 20 minutes before my alarm goes off. Isn’t that always the case? I develop a close relationship with the snooze button for the next hour or so.

Luckily, traffic is light on the 15-foot commute to my office, and I still make it to work on time. Barely. But I am exhausted and unable to function.



Harley Jane

Animal lover, numbers nerd, CPA. Writing on various topics including animals, personal growth, soul searching, entrepreneur journey, and some comedic relief.