
This Week’s Furry Feature!

Darby Days
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1 min readAug 21, 2020


Photo by Jeremy Stenuit on Unsplash

Hello Creatures community,

I hope your week is going well. My partner and I just got back from vacation; we are slowly readjusting back to reality.

We are excited to announce our next ‘Furry Feature’; an article on our publication that has been well-liked by our editing team as well as Medium readers.

This week’s Furry Feature is an article written by Aricka Dobias. Aricka shares an educational piece explaining what you can do as an owner to support your dog walker.

I know in my neighbourhood, more and more pet owners are utilizing dog walking services. In this occupational climate, many of us are working more hours/jobs to keep up with our bills and aspirations, but this doesn’t lessen our want to have cute pooches in our lives.

Aricka’s work is a great reference piece for any dog owner. It provides expert opinion in a relatable and readable manner.

Thank you Aricka for your incredible work!

We look forward to sharing other Creatures favourites through this newsletter in the future.

Warmest regards,

Darby Days [Founder and Head Editor]



Darby Days

Toronto-based Creative Director | Founder of Creatures