13 facts you should know about Crown Platform

I love 13s, so I picked up 13 key aspects of Crown, which I believe everybody who is interested in the project should know about.

Crown Platform
6 min readJun 9, 2019


1. MNPoS: Nodes producing Blocks

In March 2019, Crown transitioned from a BTC merge mined PoW to an all-node-staking PoS protocol, demonstrating our community strength and will to innovate during the bear market, and making our stakeholder structure decentralized in a true way. You can find more information on the technical specification here: https://medium.com/crownplatform/crown-masternode-and-sytemnode-proof-of-stake-consensus-system-mnpos-e6780ef534b3

2. Blockchain-as-a-service model

We have a clear vision for Crown: a blockchain-as-a-service model, where anybody who wants to work with blockchain is invited to build any use case our mind can only imagine: from building / hosting applications, registering any physical and digital assets through NFTs, transacting value, etc., leaving the future of blockchain technology on natural, community-driven forces rather than pushing one use case and telling people how it should be used! The community is building a free and open platform, it is only on us how we want the Crown blockchain to be used. You can learn details about our architecture here: https://medium.com/crownplatform/crown-blockchain-platform-overview-f1aff7d341a8

3. Non-fungible Tokens on Bitcoin Core

Our next development goal is the release of NFT’s which will enable the registration of any digital or physical asset on the Crown Blockchain. Our solution will be in testnet approx. on June 20th 2019. Non fungible tokens will create many use cases such as registration of any documents: proving its existence. This can be useful in notary services, real estate / car registration databases, the contractual relationship between two parties, registration of endangered species and adding geolocation, registration of food provenience and its history, registration and protection of intellectual property, registration of medical records of patients, and many many other use cases. You can watch the QA with our tech lead Artem here: https://medium.com/crownplatform/artem-ashot-dev-q-a-99c27ab64c84

4. Shared responsibility blockchain

We are a community-driven platform. Most of our users come from the western part of the world with largest communities coming from the US, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, Korea, Ukraine, Russia, Brazil, Italy, Malta, Australia and New Zealand. There is no centralized team, but rather a decentralized model of contributors, our communication channels are open and transparent. Our community meets in person several times a year, since December 2016 when we met for the first time in London.

April 2019: Manchester, UK

November 2018: Malta

August 2018: Essen, Germany

March 2018: Miami, USA

November 2017: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Crown community in Amsterdam

August 2017: Toronto, Canada

The Canadian leaf during the Crown community meeting, nice souvenir done by the contributor Lumixx

April 2017: Prague, Czech Republic

The legendary Crown lady during the meeting in Paralelni Polis

December 2016: London, UK

5. The decentralized governance and proposal system (DGPS)

Crown has a decentralized governance proposal system, which enables the development of Crown to be fully independent and self-sustainable. One of the reasons Crown survived the recent bear market. Towards the end of 2018, the Crown community voted to increase the monthly superblock size from 10 to 25pct enabling developers and other contributors to share a larger CRW pool. You can find more information on the DGPS below!


6. Masternodes and systemnodes

The Crown blockchain is powered by over 2k of nodes — masternodes and systemnodes: the community is therefore fully in charge of its future. A shared responsibility model.

7. Public gitlab repositories

Our development repositories are open to the public. A key aspect of openness and transparency.

8. Launched in a fair process in 2014

The Crown blockchain was fairly launched in October 2014 during a pre-ICO boom. The community will have a 5-year anniversary in 2019!

The Crown was just an idea imagined in 2013 and launched in 2014 as a bitcoin fork

9. Contributors are proud to be part of the blockchain

We are not an anonymous platform, our identities and faces are known to the world.

10. Reputable exchanges

Crown is currently listed on 4 quality exchanges

https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-CRW https://upbit.com/exchange?code=CRIX.UPBIT.BTC-CRW https://wallet.crypto-bridge.org/market/BRIDGE.CRW_BRIDGE.BTC https://www.litebit.eu/en/buy/crown

11. Crown blockchain summary presentation

You can see a summary of the Crown blockchain in this presentation:

12. Success Files with Rob Lowe

We were selected as one of the few blockchains and featured on a US-based TV show Success Files hosted by Rob Lowe

13. We are CROWN

You can see what we represent in this short video. Do you dare to put a Crown on your head?

Thank you very much for making it to the last point n.13!

