Dating an “Older Man” — A Whole Different Story When You’re No Longer 20 Years Old

A changing perspective on dating as you age

Joan Gershman
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Justin Groep on Unsplash

I have a mirror and I can count. I know that I am no tightly toned, smooth-skinned athletic 20-year-old beauty and I can count to 74 — the number of birthdays I have had. It is with this understanding, and with no offense meant to men my age and older, that I write this observation on how life’s perspectives change as the years pass by.

When I was 20, I longed to date an “older” man — 10–15 years older than me seemed ideal. The idea of spending time with a man, rather than an immature college boy, was exciting, intriguing, and even a little risky. I’ll bet Priscilla Beaulieu (later Presley) felt the same when she met Elvis Presley, who was 10 years her senior.

I anticipated conversations and experiences:

CAREER: There would be so much for me to learn from conversations with someone whose career was already in progress.

TRAVEL: Travel experience stories — not to mention the anticipation of inviting me to accompany him on an exotic travel adventure.

WORLD AND POLITICAL VIEWS: Conversations based on more life experience than those of an idealistic college student.



Joan Gershman
Crow’s Feet

2 X TOP WRITER; Retired Educator; Speech/Language Therapist; English Teacher;;; writer; Vocal Writer