Death is the Great Equalizer

We’re running out of time …

Jill Reid
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2022


silhouette of man in blue ice cave
Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

We all seem to think we’re special, different, unique.

We cling to this fantasy, looking for ways to separate ourselves from society, our families, friends and peers — from the world in general.

We create illusions in our minds, crafting personalized logic and gathering statistics we believe are relevant in confirming to others we’re better. We think this stronghold of opinion sets us apart.

We’re determined, even desperate, to establish an unyielding line between who and what we are, and the person standing next to us or across the world.

Because we believe we’re an individual like no other.

Our ego forces us to integrate such deceptions into our consciousness, building our individual fortresses brick-by-brick in an effort to establish an impenetrable barrier between ourselves and the rest of humanity.

And we’re often successful at isolating ourselves from those outside our realm of consideration.

We cling to this irrational misconception, forgetting that we’re all fighting our personal demons — and we’re in this together. While we may tell ourselves we’d never succumb…



Jill Reid
Crow’s Feet

Author of Real Life | Discover Your Personal Truth | Life in Small Doses | Please God, Make Me A Writer| |