Moving is NOT for OLD People- 5 Tips to Keep You Sane if You Must Move After the Age of 65

Joan Gershman
Crow’s Feet
Published in
6 min readAug 12, 2022


Photo courtesy of Pinterest

My next move is to the cemetery. I swear to God, I will never do this again. Aside from the death of a loved one, I cannot imagine anything more stressful than moving at the age of 73, with only friends to help who are in the same deteriorating physical condition as me.

“One box at a time, Joan,” said my friend, Rita, when I asked her how she packed up her house to move to a new one after her husband died. “One box at a time.”

Saying that to a person whose garage and office looked like this (see below) is a bit on the optimistic side.

Photo owned by the author from her personal camera
Photo owned by the author from her personal camera

But the decision had been made. Six years of lonely widowhood, two years of life-threatening illnesses, 18 months of Pandemic isolation, and three years of not having seen my family, including six rapidly growing great-nieces and nephews sealed the deal.

My condo lease was up and I was moving half-way across the country from sunny Florida to ice-capped…



Joan Gershman
Crow’s Feet

2 X TOP WRITER; Retired Educator; Speech/Language Therapist; English Teacher;;; writer; Vocal Writer